It is critical to design future interventions for multiple health Most participants had not received the vaccine (77%) and a few did not answer the question (1.5%). To investigate variable ordering, adults (N = 1,377) completed a survey in the aftermath of an 8-month flu vaccine campaign grounded in the HBM. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. In response, the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH), funded by the federal government, launched an aggressive H1N1 vaccination campaign. Copyright 2022 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Of the two models, Model 1 is superior as it explains more variance; however, Model 2 has interesting findings that are worth noting from a theoretical perspective. Integrated Theory of Health Behavior Change. Conditional Indirect Effects of Exposure on Behavior at Values of the Moderator. Theories examining factors influencing mHealth effectiveness are mainly limited to either (1) health behavior change theories or (2) technology adoption theories applied to an mHealth context. A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of health belief model variables in predicting behavior. Glanz K, Bishop DB. The Health Belief Model (HBM) posits that messages will achieve optimal behavior change if they successfully target perceived barriers, benefits, self-efficacy, and threat. IMSM is distinct from the intrapersonal-, interpersonal-, and structural-level theories because IMSM represents a model of behavior change. Witte K. Putting the fear back into fear appeals: The extended parallel process model. To test for serial mediation, behavior was entered as the outcome variable, exposure as the predictor variable, education, gender, age, flu shot history, and H1N1 flu history as covariates, and all four HBM constructs as serial mediators. The health belief model (HBM) is one of the first behavioral health theories. Questions may vary depending upon the purpose or goals of this measures use. Health industrialization. It was originally developed in the 1950s and updated in the 1980s. As individuals progress through the stages of physical activity habit modification, they will experience an improvement in self-efficacy and TTM has been widely used to determine physical activity correlations. Their stages in TTM include pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination. Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and mental healthcare professionals. For example: These perceived benefits are often linked to other factors, including the perceived effectiveness of a behavior. Southwell B. These cues to action can be internal or external, ranging from experiencing symptoms of an illness to exposure to a campaign (Bish & Michie, 2010). Application of the transtheoretical model to identify predictors of physical activity transition in university students. The first question should be asked of ALL patients, and can be helpful in identifying former smokers that may otherwise be mistaken as never-smokers. The Tobacco Screening Measure was developed by Maryland M.D.s Making a Difference (MD3), and can also be found on their Pocket Guide for Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral, and Treatment. Natasha R. Brown, Department of Communication, Indiana UniversityNorthwest. However, the heterogeneity of interventions and outcomes, alongside the methodological weaknesses outlined, prevent any firm conclusions. Social cognitive theory. More culturally tailored and theory guided intervention studies to increase HPV vaccine acceptance among African-American and Latino parents are needed. Champion VL. Scarinci I, Bandura L, Hidalgo B, Cherrington A. For example, campaign exposure could increase self-efficacy, self-efficacy could influence perceived barriers, and perceived barriers could predict behavior (campaign exposure self-efficacy perceived barriers behavior). In parallel mediation, all of the HBM constructs are hypothesized to be influenced by the independent variable (e.g., campaign exposure) and to influence the dependent variable (e.g., vaccination behavior). One of the most widely used models in health promotion, it addresses both underlying determinants of health behavior and the methods of promoting change and was based on the interaction between individual and environment. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Hilton S, Smith E. Public views of the UK media and government reaction to the 2009 swine flu pandemic. : The push for laws that support healthy policies, It is a psychological health behavior change model that was introduced in the 1950s to give an explanation or prediction of the health-related behaviors. Four meta-analyses have been conducted to assess the viability of the HBM and its constructs in predicting behavior, but their findings have been inconsistent. This is plausible, as an efficacy-centered message could lead to increased perceptions of self-efficacy, and these increased perceptions of self-efficacy may in turn lead one to recognize the benefits of engaging in the behavior, only identifiable after developing a sense of efficacy. Most visual depictions of the HBM suggest this ordering, as all of the constructs are presented in a vertical line with arrows pointing toward behavior or behavioral intention (e.g., see the health belief model box in Champion & Skinner, 2008, p. 49). First, the variables could have comparable influence on outcomes. *You can also browse our support articles here >,,, Doesnt take into consideration social context where change occurs. The current study is limited in several ways. It doesn't address the economic and environmental factors that can affect a person's health behavior. and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) The Health Belief Model (HBM) (Hochbaum, 1958; Montgomery et al., 1989; Rosenstock, 1974; Wallston & Wallston, 1984), which has been described as the grandparent of all health behavior For example, the notion that perceived barriers and benefits form a causal chain is consistent with early HBM research suggesting the two variables should be transformed into a difference score (Janz & Becker, 1984). The survey was conducted May 2010June 2010 following an 8-month media campaign (October 2009May 2010) designed to increase utilization of the H1N1 flu vaccine. According to the ARRM, an individual at risk of HIV/AIDS must first label his or her behavior as risky. The sites were selected in accordance with the media plan set forward by the ISDH at the beginning of the campaign. *Permission to use this scale for purposes other than research should be obtained from K. L. Fagerstrm. The few existing studies indicate that a providers recommendation also influence uptake and in the case of Latinos, Spanish-speaking Latinos convey greater intent to vaccinate boys compared to English-speaking Latinos (Reiter etal., 2014). Mental Biases That Can Affect Your Health Choices, Self Efficacy and Why Believing in Yourself Matters. 2013;42(6):672-684. doi:10.1111/1552-6909.12250, Montanaro EA, Bryan AD. Rural Health Information Hub, 2021. Also referred to as the social-ecological model, this theory is vital in understanding the factors that affect behavior and hence gives guidance for emerging fruitful programs via social environments. Theory/Author Name and Background The Interaction Model of Client Health Behavior introduced by Dr. Cheryl Cox is used to comprehensively and systematically describe society-based elders. Champion V, Skinner CS. Although less investigated, the model also suggests that specific cues, such as factors in ones environment, can impact the final action one takes (Champion & Skinner, 2008). These results could be atypical, a possibility that researchers should consider as they evaluate the HBM across other topics/campaigns. The Health Belief Model (HBM) was developed in the early 1950s by social scientists at the U.S. Public Health Service in order to understand the failure of people to adopt In an effort to increase evaluation of communication campaigns, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) provided additional funding for a post hoc, third-party evaluation of the campaign. People don't want to give up something they enjoy if they don't also get something in return. Cues to action- cues can be internal or external and they act as a stimulus to prompt a decision-making process for accepting a certain suggested health action. Becker MH. Reciprocal determinism, reinforcements, self-efficacy, behavioral With the outlined existing shortcomings of behaviour change andtechnology adoption theory for investigating underlying antecedents of smart mobile health technology use (e.g., apps), and a general lack of theory in mHealth research (Riley etal., 2011), the scope has to be extended by additional theoretical foundation to examine and to understandantecedents of mobile smart health technology use. Almost two-thirds (61.8%) had at least one child in the house. Department of Communication and Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah. Tailored interventions to increase influenza vaccination in neighborhood health centers serving the disadvantaged. Health Commun. Department of Communication, University of WisconsinWhitewater, Department of Communication and Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah, Department of Health Outcomes and Behavior, Moffitt Cancer Center, Department of Communication, Indiana UniversityNorthwest, School of Communication, Ohio State University, Department of Communication, University of Utah. Harrison JA, Mullen PD, Green L. A meta-analysis of the health belief model with adults. Conversely, the meta-analysis of Harrison and colleagues (1992) found that the impact of each HBM variable on behavior was fairly small. The scale includes items such as Getting the H1N1 flu vaccine exposes me to unnecessary health risks (M = 1.80, SD = .65, = .85). (2 points) The theory of planned behavior posits that changing a health When identifying a theory or model to guide health promotion or disease prevention programs, it is important to This limitation is significant for researchers interested in utilizing the HBM to understand communication processes, as numerous process-oriented questions are raised by the model that currently have no answer. Biden to Eliminate Food Insecurity by 2030Could It Also Improve Mental Health? That indirect effect was significant, b = .0044, SE = .0023, 95% bootstrap confidence interval: .0013, .0107. 2022 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. The model focus on individual beliefs about health conditions, which predict individual health-related behaviors. Email:, 1-800-270-1898 It addresses the behavior change at numerous levels. (p. 50). The data in hand allow researchers to examine how variables interacted for one topic and one campaign. The Health Belief Model as an explanatory framework in communication research: Exploring parallel, serial, and moderated mediation. The Health Belief Model (HBM) is a tool that scientists use to try to predict health behaviors. Carcioppolo N, Jensen JD, Wilson SE, Collins WB, Carrion M, Linnemeier G. Examining HPV threat-to-efficacy ratios in the Extended Parallel Process Model. Unfortunately, these different models are rarely examined or compared in the literature (Champion & Skinner, 2008). Accordingly, both flu shot history and H1N1 flu history were added as covariates. The Smoking History Questionnaire is meant to provide a more detailed picture of both current and past tobacco use. Parallel mediation analysis revealed that perceived barriers mediated the exposure > behavior relationship, serial mediation analysis found a significant chain between barriers and benefits, and moderated mediation analysis suggested that self-efficacy could moderate the mediational effects of barriers and threat. For example, whereas many studies have attempted to establish each of the major dimensions as independent, others have tried multiplicative approaches. Although a comprehensive analysis of the conceptual and empirical strengths and limitations of each such approach is beyond the scope of this discussion (for such analysis, see Fisher & Fisher, 2000), it is worth reviewing a number of characteristics of these models that were addressed and improved upon in later theoretical developments and applications. Bootstrapping reveals, for example, that perceived barriers reliably mediates the relationship between exposure and behavior for those with moderate efficacy, as the 95% confidence interval for the coefficient does not overlap zero. Tiara Ratz, Sonia Lippke, in Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (Second Edition), 2022. Perceived barriers to healthy behaviors have been shown to be the single most powerful predictor of whether people are willing to engage in healthy behaviors.. The practice of health promotion and diseases prevention is supported by numerous theories and concepts. Used in practice and research. Jones CJ, Smith H, Llewellyn C. Evaluating the effectiveness of health belief model interventions in improving adherence: a systematic review. The Total Effects Model depicts the predictive power of exposure with covariates included. In addition to their overlap in labels and constructs, there are also distinct features in theoretical frameworks, yielding varying usefulness in differing contexts. Used primarily in research. Decades of research have helped to refine the model, yet variable ordering remains a relatively understudied topic. Cummings KM, Jette AM, Brock BM, Haefner DP. There are a number of theoretical models in the literature that address effective ways to change health behaviors. Table8.1. Yet these data also suggest that perceived barriers are meaningfully engaged only for individuals with low to moderate self-efficacy. Two were added in response to research on the model related to addiction. It is a psychological health behavior change model that was introduced in the 1950s to give an explanation or prediction of the health Serial mediation is important to explore, as the differential impact of specific HBM constructs could be symptomatic of an underlying (and untested) causal chain. Retrieved from, LaMorte, W. (2019, September 7). Individuals proceed through a series of stages that involve incremental steps toward health behavior adoption that may result in overt behavior change and maintenance of change over time. The 30-second television and radio spots featured Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels and state health commissioner Judy Monroe, who encouraged Indiana citizens through messages such as, Dont get the flu, dont spread the flu.. Analytical approaches to identifying these relationships are needed to further the utility of the HBM in predicting behavior. Cameron KA, Rintamaki LS, Kamanda-Kosseh M, Noskin GA, Baker DW, Makoul G. Using theoretical constructs to identify key issues for targeted message design: African American seniors perceptions about influenza and influenza vaccination. CLICK HERE to find out more about Fax to Assist and complete the training to become a Fax to Assist Approved Provider. This model addresses the readiness These theories include a number of antecedent factors used to explain behavioral outcomes (Table8.1). For example, one study found that women who had a greater sense of self-efficacy toward breastfeeding were more likely to nurse their infants longer. Courtney L. Scherr, Department of Health Outcomes and Behavior, Moffitt Cancer Center. Five variables were controlled for in this study: education, gender, age, flu shot history, and H1N1 flu history. Models of interpersonal health behavior- Social cognitive theory, Community and group models of health behavior change - ecology model, PRECEDE-PROCEED and planning model. Such a design would allow researchers to rigorously test parallel, serial, and moderated mediation models (for more details on longitudinal designs, see Singer & Willett, 2003). Theories and models are used in program planning to understand and explain health behavior and to guide the identification, development, and implementation of interventions. However, future studies should also attempt to corroborate that the abovementioned factors associated with completion rates generalize to ethnic minorities. Research has shown that the use of strategies based on behavior change theory and addressing behavioral determinants is related to effectiveness (Middelweerd, Mollee, van der Wal, Brug, & te Velde, 2014). Such programs are often based on the Health Belief Model and work to educate, offer skills training, reduce barriers, and boost self-efficacy. (2000). We've updated our Privacy Policy, which will go in to effect on September 1, 2022. Bylund and colleagues (2011) utilized the EHBM, which includes the traditional four HBM variables in addition to cues to action and self-efficacy, to predict sibling perceptions of their risk for hereditary hemochromatosis. The remainder reported receiving the vaccine (21.5%). The Health Belief Model is not without criticism. Future research could benefit by focusing on culture-centered theories to unpackage sexuality-related normative concerns among African-Americans and Latinos to explore its connection to religion and related factors. Elizabeth Boskey, PhD, MPH, CHES, is a social worker, adjunct lecturer, and expert writer in the field of sexually transmitted diseases. A related model, the AIDS Risk Reduction Model (ARRM) (Catania, Kegeles, & Coates, 1990; Fisher & Fisher, 2000), also embodies the notion of stages of change that may be transitioned in movement toward preventive behavior adoption. Individuals will also consider the benefits and drawbacks of participating in physical activity. Cues to action- perceived barriers to action, exposure to factors that prompt action. Furthermore, our review also pointed to the dearth of interventions to promote HPV vaccination among African-Americans and Latino parents. Fourth, there is the potential that vaccination status may have led to selective exposure or memory bias, thus suggesting reverse causality. On the other hand, you probably would stop kissing if it might give you a more serious illness. Moreover, the presence of so many complex variable relationships suggests that conflicts in past research may be rectified by increased understanding of variable ordering in the HBM. Thinking that you will fail will almost make certain that you do. It stresses the importance of research-based knowledge about the effect of nursing care on patients. Model 2 tested the following causal chain: exposure barriers benefits behavior. The HBM posits that people will take action to prevent illness if they regard themselves as susceptible to a condition (perceived susceptibility), if they believe it would have potentially serious consequences (perceived severity), if they believe that a particular course of action available to them would reduce the susceptibility or severity or lead to other positive outcomes (perceived benefits), and if they perceive few negative attributes related to the health action (perceived barriers). Health belief model, social support, and intention to screen for colorectal cancer in older African American men. It is important for future researchers to take into account the role of personal relevance and prior behavioral engagement, as both often motivate more effortful processing of messages. It has to be noted that the mentioned theoretical frameworks all present overlapping features and that it is difficult to completely distinguish one from another. Retrieved from. Notably, researchers have argued that the HBM fails to specify variable ordering (Champion & Skinner, 2008). The health belief model: A decade later. Introduced in 1962 by Rogers and it explains how a concept or products acquires momentum and spreads via a particular social system or population. Chronic Disease in Rural America Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this assignment are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of N = 1198. Young people who don't think they're at risk of lung cancer are less likely to stop smoking. Serial mediation assumes a causal chain linking the mediators, with a specified direction of causal flow (Hayes, 2012, p. 14). Lulu. The Health Belief Model is characterized by six fundamental constructs that influence the patients decision-making concerning the viability of actions connected with the modification of health behavior. The total effects model was significantly better than the null model, Cox & Snell R2 = .25, 2 log likelihood = 941.39, 2 = 341.92, df = 6, p < .001 (see Total Effects Model in Table 1). 2015;30(6):566-576. doi:10.1080/10410236.2013.873363, Loke AY, Chan LK. Organizational or institutional factors: encourage organizations to offers working environments that support healthy food and fitness facility, Community factors: they create social media campaigns with health messages, Public policies. Empowerment is in contrast to behavior change theories characterized by an intraindividual process perspective and thus issuitable to address an intraindividual dynamic processes in (mobile smart technology-supported) self-management. Several theories including social-cognitive determinants of health behavior change demonstrate similar constructs with different labels, e.g., self-efficacy can be interpreted as similar to the term perceived behavioral control, whereas intention has also been phrased as goals, and the term planning can be equated with the term implementation intentions (see Table2). Development of a theory based, culturally relevant intervention on cervical cancer prevention among Latina immigrants using intervention mapping. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The swine flu outbreak of 2009 was the first pandemic in more than 40 years, and for many, their first encounter with a major influenza outbreak. In a study published in the journal Health Psychology Review, researchers found that in studies looking at the Health Belief Model, 78% reported significant improvement in behavior adherence. Theory of Planned Behavior & Social Ecological Model Reecon. Griffin MJ. Third, and finally, a moderated mediation model would assume that one of the HBM constructs serves as a moderator for the influence of the others (Hayes, 2012). designing an intervention and implementing a program, Process evaluation: Determining whether a program is acquiring the anticipated population to acquire anticipated goals, Impact evaluation: evaluating the behavior change, Outcome evaluation: identifying whether there is a reduction in the prevalence or incidence of a behavior. Thus, despite a large body of research supporting the influence of HBM variables on health behavior, ambiguity still exists concerning which variables are most important and how variables interact within the model. Overall, within the analysis, the estimates were low for the relationship between subjects estimate of how severe a given negative health outcome would be and their likelihood of adopting the target behavior. For instance, HBM variables appear to be differentially related to behavior, a finding suggestive of an underlying (and undefined) hierarchy for the constructs in the model. Jakob D. Jensen, Department of Communication and Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah. A considerable number of studies have confirmed the propositions of the TRA and TPB in the prediction of intentions and behavior (Armitage & Conner, 2001; Sheeran, 2002), and although the models provide an excellent conceptual and empirical basis for HIV/AIDS risk-reduction behavior change interventions, the TRA and TPB are again primarily motivational models that do not explicitly reflect the information and skills requirements of sustained behavior change (see Fisher & Fisher, 2000, and Albarracn et al., 2001, for discussion of conceptual and empirical strengths of the TRA and TPB). Perceived benefits- The are the perceptions of an individual concerning the effectiveness of different actions to minimize the threat of disease. Research also shows that flu shot history, particularly ones seasonal vaccination history, is highly correlated with H1N1 vaccination intentions (Maurer et al., 2009). Individuals require information about behaviors which constitute health risks and about their potential for risk-reduction behavior change; they must develop self-regulatory and risk-reduction skills to apply this information in the practice of preventive behavior; they require a sense of self-efficacy regarding the use of these skills to enact behavior change; and they require the ability to recruit social support to reinforce and maintain their practice of behavior change. If you believe that this Physiopedia article is the primary source for the information you are refering to, you can use the button below to access a related citation statement.