Jesus was also inspected and found without spot or blemish (innocent) by the same priests. This is why He has to save the firstborn with the firstborn. Although I will agree with the Biblical Lamb selection day, there is a predicament with your timeline. Verses such as Exodus 12:6; Numbers 9:5; and Leviticus 23:5 refer to the victim. Jesus died in our place. In Joshua 4:19 the children of Israel crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land on the same day! . On the very day that the entire nation of Israel was picking their special lamb, Jesus rode into Jerusalem to also celebrate Passover with his disciples. To see what the people who saw Him ride into Jerusalem wouldve seen and known. Passover and The Feast of Unleavened Bread are moedim, "appointed times." . His hour had come. God did not say, "kill them"; he . Give us this day our daily Bread.(Matthew 6:11) We must read The Word regularly. A few years ago, I spent an afternoon studying Palm Sunday. The name on the inscription above Jesus head as he was on the cross held the Hebrew words for Jesus Of Nazareth King of the Jews. Matthew 27:45 says, "Now from the sixth hour darkness fell over all the land until the ninth hour." According to the Bible, "The priest is to cast lots for the two goats-one lot for the LORD and the other for the scapegoat. This is Israel: The Birth of a Nation Through Tribulation. . When you purchase through our . Remembering the Passover Lamb. Keep a close eye on it, watch it for . Scripture: John 12:12-15. DayenuThe Passover Lamb. This is another proof. The Temple Institute in the Old City of Jerusalem has been preparing temple articles, priestly garments and studying for years to prepare a priesthood for service in a proposed rebuilt temple on the Temple Mount. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. During those days of inspection of the lambs, the perfect Lamb of God was present daily at the Temple, where everyone could see Him.. allowing Himself to be inspected by the people. One who would sit on an earthly throne. For them, this must be what Jesus was coming to do! We cannot have lasting peace and freedom without knowing God and giving Him full reign in our lives. View all posts by robinsmit author, Nisan 10th 6:00pm Saturday 6:00pm Sunday Throughout history, only Jesus could say this. I say this despite knowing that several members of our Faith Community make this very thing a yearly practice, which I find a bit bizarre since both Apostles Shaul (Paul) and Peter (Kefa) rightly taught that Yahoshua our Messiah is our Pesach (i.e., our Passover) (cf., I Corinthians 5:7 and I Peter 1:19 respectively). Thus, the question I am asking you today is the same question I asked myself this morning: which lamb are you going to choose for your Pesach this year? They were still looking for a physical king. Then came the day of Unleavened Bread - this is like the start of the Passover celebration, o.k. Your lamb is to be without blemish, a year old male. He was the firstborn of many brethren Romans 8:29. You see, when we are questioned about certain aspects of our Faith and those questions challenge us, make us uncomfortable, or even annoy us, we are forced to make a stand or take a position on that matter. According to the Bible (Exodus 12:6), Passover would begin on twilight 14th of Nisan This is why you cannot save me. From Genesis (Genesis 22:8) God Himself will provide a lamb to Revelation (Revelation 5:12) Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain,Jesus Christ is revealed as our Passover Lamb! The abdomen was then cut open, and the fatty portions intended for the altar were taken out, placed in a vessel, salted, and offered by the priest on the altar, while the remaining . You have sinned, and I have sinned. It was so helpful and stirred my heart to worship God more. Similarly, the Israelites choose their Passover lambs on the 10th day of the month of Nisan and keep it until the 14th day, when it would be sacrificed. In Exodus (12:41), Moses states that 430 years later, "on the same day," the families of Israel left Egypt. Required fields are marked *. The writers of the New Testament certainly understood the significance. Since the eyes of the Jewish people are still partially blinded to the true identity of their Messiah, most of them don't know that the ultimate Passover Lamb was already sacrificed 2000 years ago. I would look up the scriptures for you but I am not sure if I can leave this page and come back with out messing up (i am on the older side . One of the most exciting and faith building lessons that I have ever learned in the Bible came from a study of Jesus entry into Jerusalem at the beginning of the week that we call Passion Week. When someone is stoned to death, his bones are broken. Joshua 4:19 Now the people came up from the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month, and they camp. "Neither shall ye break a bone thereof" (Exo. Id like to offer a couple alternative opinions on two points, if I may: 1. By this time they were weary from the oppression by the Romans. Four days before His death on the cross on the eve of Passover, Jesus came into Jerusalem on a donkey. It is the story of Yehudah (aka Judah) and Tamar. "And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.". The second point is that this lamb must be a firstborn lamb. ). Isaiah 35 prophesies about the Messianic Kingdom (the Highway of Holiness) and one of the responses of Heaven to save is the recovery of sight to the blind. Had you not decided to have this class, and I had not come; I most likely would never have truly realized and learned all that I have the past couple years. He was to select the lamb on the tenth day of the very first month of the year, and the family was supposed to watch this lamb for five days. Revelation 12:11 They overcame by the blood of the Lamb. The Passover Lamb [Marshall, Linda Elovitz, Mai-Wyss, Tatjana] on Jesus was taken off the cross on the same evening of his crucifixion, although this wasnt customary. The Lord is giving Moses and Aaron instructions about the special day of Passover, details about how each household (on the tenth day of the first month) is to choose a one-year-old male lamb or goat with no defects, and how on the fourteenth day, at twilight, each family is to slaughter their lamb or young goat. Again, how any of us celebrates or keeps Passover is between Father and us as individuals. 15:3, I John 2:2). This is the exactly what read before reading your article. The Christian bible compares Jesus to the Paschal lamb (John 1:29) and insists that he died as a sacrifice to atone for the sins of the world (I Cor. And the matzah is striped, burnt and piercedrepresenting His body. This is what they had longed for what they were expecting! This is the setting for Jesus entry into Jerusalem . Thus, I can cast no judgment or criticism towards those who choose to take this very literal path of Pesach celebration. Whoever stays with Jesus and does His will, the blood of Jesus will keep them safe from judgment. A recent news article reported that training had begun for the preparation of the Passover sacrifice. Preparations for Eating Passover Lamb appears in the same location in Matthew, Mark and Luke. This is a foreshadow of the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, to once and for all, take the penalty for our sin. May you attach your sense of self, your meaning and purpose, your moral compass, and your hopes and dreams to the message delivered in that upper room and to the actual moment of sacrifice on that hill outside the city. The blood of both Jesus1 and the Passover lamb2 does supernatural work for the faithful. Nisan 10th (Palm Sunday). The 10 th day of Nisan (Aviv) - The High Priest Selects the Passover Lamb . Juxtaposed against the drama unfolding in the Exodus narrative, the Passover sacrifice strikes an indelible impression on the mind of the reader. Their expectations were not met. When Pilate ordered the Jews to examine the Lord according to their own law, the Jews said that they did not have the power to kill anyone (John 18:31). Think of the dramatic sequence God had planned just on the day . The children of Israel were to choose a lamb for the Pesach sacrifice on the 10th day of the 1st month, 4 . John 19:36 says, "For these things happened that the Scripture might be fulfilled: `No bone of His shall be broken." Here is a most amazing thing. Nothing was to remain overnight. For those of us who keep the Observational by Rod Thomas | Apr 8, 2022 | Blog, Podcasts. 00:00. (Exodus 12:6, Mark 15:25, 31-38), Broken Bones: The Israelites werent allowed to break the bones of the Lamb. Evening of Thursday evening Friday 1 night 1 day Exodus 12:3 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: 'On the tenth day of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household. It didn't have any spot didn't have any defect. This is Shabbat HaGadol: The Pathway Towards our Redemption and Atonement. Abba Father we will jealously give praise, honor and glorify to. 1:19). The writings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee focus on the enjoyment of the divine life, which all the believers possess, and on the building up of the church, the goal of God's work with man in this age. Oh, what a beautiful Savior what a beautiful spotless Passover Lamb! All of those standing there along the road wouldnt have missed the symbolism of crossing the Jordan into the Promise Land and setting up a kingdom. Excitement for the deliverance of Roman oppression and the setting up of a glorious kingdom. As the Passover lambs were slain, the Levite's sang for each incoming . Each time the whip cut into His body. When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming to him, he said, "Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world" ( John 1:29 ). You may take it from the sheep or from the goats. (Exodus 12:7, 12-13, Romans 5:8-10), Freedom: The lamb opened a way to freedom for the Jews from years of slavery in Egypt. The next day he *saw Jesus coming to him and *said, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! Firstfruits begins at the end of the Sabbath, thus no third night nor third day. " (Exodus 12:5). However, as it relates to this particular day of this Month of the Avivthis being the 10th day according to the Hebrew Observational CalendarIm really focusing on the spiritual aspects of this instruction that was given to us during our very last days in Egypt. Praying many benefit from this post and share it. They had to inspect it. Nisan 13th 6:00pm Tuesday 6:00pm Wednesday Ive never heard of either of them before. The blind man said, Rabbi, I want to see. Go, said Jesus, your faith has healed you. Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. Who killed the Lamb? Thank you. The other end of the Pesach spectrum is simply acknowledging the day with maybe a passing scripture reading and prayer. The Passover Lamb is a type of Christ. After His death Jesus rose at the appointed time of first fruits (as according to scripture He is the first fruits offering). It was a very festive day and would have been similar to us picking just the right size turkey for our Thanksgiving meal later in the week. The Passover Lamb was the first sacrifice that Israel, as a nation, was commanded to make. To set up His Kingdom here in Israel. The day for the training was the 10th of Nisan, the day designated in the Old Testament for choosing the Passover lamb. He had reclaimed a kingdom His Fathers kingdom. However, we have not reached that point as a unified Body and my hope and prayer is that someday we will get there. In Mark 15:36, Jesus is offered wine mixed with gall to drink on a sponge attached to a hyssop branch. God told the Jews to choose a lamb, but this lamb was not to be ordinary. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 5:7, For Christ, our Passover Lamb has been sacrificed. Hebrews 7:27 says, He sacrificed for sins, once for all, when he offered himself, and Hebrews 9:28, Christ was sacrificed to take away the sins of many people. John the Baptizer said, Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. Peter, in 1 Peter 1:19 says, You were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or spot. In the book of Revelation twenty or more times it refers to Christ as the Lamb. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. And my challenge to each of us todayon this 14th day of the Month of the Avivis to choose the proper lamb for our Pesach observance, keeping and celebration. Exodus 12:3-4. March 8, 2021. What an excellent time to thank Him for His sacrifice! The event that the scapegoat is sent into the desert takes place on the tenth day of the seventh month by sacred year and it is ' The Day of Atonement ' in the Law of Moses. Revelation 5:6 says, Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the center of the throne. This Week's Torah Reading #35--The Judah-Tamar Story This week's Torah Reading, number 35 in our three-year Torah Reading cycle, is found in Genesis/Beresheit 38:1-30. If all the hooks were in use, men held staves between their shoulders, and the carcasses were hung from staves. It was extremely likely that they would be infuriated by this disrespect of their god. The day that the Israelites picked the lamb for their families was known as Lamb Selection Day. Here is a great type: the priest typifies the church, the twelve tribes typify the nations on earth, and the congregation typifies mankind as a whole. Why did Jesus mention the stones? Additionally, the sign, after three days and three nights (72 hours), would be negated thus no Messiah nor Firstfruits resurrection. More power and blessings to themthat is, as long as they do not insist that the Body out of obedience to their version of Torah must follow their lead. (Isaiah 53:5, Zechariah 12:10, John 19:34), The matzah we eat for Passover is unleavened bread. Along with his wife of 50 years, he teaches a Bible study at Christs Church in Roswell, NM. Now Jesus the long-awaited for Messiah would finally set up His Kingdom, delivering them out of bondage to the Romans and reigning over their beloved nation of Israel! Weve decided to select Yahoshua again this year as my Paschal Lamb. The biblical narrative came to life as we imagined the stories in their original setting. Though Jesus did tell us to do the ceremonial act of Communion in remembrance of Him, it is not the drinking of wine/juice and eating of unleavened bread that gives life to our spirit, but the regular ingestion of Jesus Words. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. So if our Master is the goalor the telosthe fulfillment; the culmination; the utmost; the outcomeof Torah, it behooves us to factor Him into every page of Torah we read; every Feast/Festival we keep and observe and celebrate; every teaching we give and listen to. At the tomb site when Mary saw Jesus, He told her dont touch me as i have not yet assended to the Father. Later he told Thomas to touch Him. When John the Baptist stepped forward in John 1:29 and introduced Jesus as the Lamb of God, he did so as the final Old Testament prophet, the son of a priest, and as the chosen forerunner of Christ. The men/families came to celebrate the passover so they needed to come before in order to have their animal inspected by the priests for spot or blemish. What would that have meant to this crowd of people and the Pharisees? He is indeed a Savior without blemish!, The Essential Elements of the Messianic-Hebraic Faith, Israel-The Birth of a Nation Through Tribulation-STAR-46, Experiencing the Wisdom of God Persists Even in the Midst of DespairSTAR-37, Amazing Things Happen When God is with UsTorah Reading 36The Story of Joseph and Potiphars Wife, The Story of Judah and Tamar: A Reminder that Yahs Will Shall Already Triumph Over Humanitys Carnality, Overturning Roe v. Wade and the Modern Messianic-Thoughts and Reflections, Keeping Passover by Way of the Renewed Covenant-Part 3 of Keeping Passover and Unleavened Bread in 2022, Keeping Passover by Way of the Original Covenant-Part 2 of Keeping Passover and Unleavened Bread in 2022, Some Passover Basics-Keeping Passover and Unleavened Bread in 2022-Part 1, Shabbat HaGadolThe Pathway Towards our Redemption and Atonement-STAR-28, Guarding the Month of Aviv-Avivs Critical Importance to Gods Covenant Elect. Cant you just see it? Exodus 12:3. 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