Production, productivity and quality improvements, Technology transfers, upgrades and innovation, Measures to minimise physical marketing and trading risks, Risk management, such as price and weather volatility. Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (SWFI) is a global organization designed to study sovereign wealth funds, pensions, endowments, superannuation funds, family offices, central banks and other long-term institutional investors in the areas of investing, asset allocation, risk, governance, economics, policy, trade and other relevant issues. These activities are driven by the communities, and are based on what their needs are, on what they think contributes to their wellbeing. concludes Jonna. At UNCTADs first session in 1964, the impact of commodity price volatility was at the top of the agenda, and a discussion on creating a common fund began. Tel. The CFC acknowledges these limitations and tries to give its contribution for the sector to progress towards a robust impact management practice. [1]Source: World Economic Forum. Working in partnership with, inter alia, the Common Fund for Commodities from 2017 to 2022 it transitioned from a grain aggregator to an added-value manufacturer, empowering it to deepen its support for farmers. Newsletter October 2022. We want to empower them to grow and develop so that local banks and other financial institutions feel confident enough to lend to them. The Central Military Commission ( CMC) is the highest national defense organization in the People's Republic of China. After an in-depth assessment, the CFC has mapped the most relevant IRIS+ metrics with its core SDGs. Working in partnership with us from 2017 to 2022, Shalem transitioned from a grain aggregator to an added-value manufacturer, supporting the least privileged people in the surrounding communities. Shalem, a female owned and led agri-business in rural Kenya, approached the CFC for financing in 2017 after they had been turned down by local banks. For the year of 2021, the number of people directly benefiting from the projects supported by the CFC reached 76,300. for centuries the rewards that come from producing and trading commodities have not been shared equally. Olivado runs organic training programs for its smallholder suppliers, enrolling 800 in 2020 alone. Common Fund for Commodities Grants: The Netherlands-based Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) has issued a call for proposals to support commodity development activities that benefit the poor in more than hundred countries around the world. Through the programme, which is now in the final stages of verification under the Verra voluntary carbon standard, Kennemer will soon be able to issue carbon credits. We must help developing countries escape commodity dependence, 6 | Common Fund for CommoditiesAnnual Report 2020 out, without any hesitation, that businesses should no longer advance only the interests of shareholders, with the goal of only making profits. Annual Report 2021. Cocoa is an agri-commodity where poverty is much more entrapped globally and as such, CFC, like many impact funds, were on the lookout for precedents of high impact projects bridging sustainability and environmental safety. Common Fund for Commodities | Annual Report 2021 Annual Report Mission & Vision Statement Mission "To contribute to poverty alleviation by strengthening the income-generating capacity of. Together, these new partnerships will benefit 228,165 smallholders by improving their market access and boosting their productivity. This kind of commodity dependence makes them vulnerable to economic shocks. More specifically, they are required to describe how their project would contribute to the advancement of the core CFC SDGs. So how does this journey start? Kennemer Foods International is a well-established agribusiness company in the cocoa sector, both in the Philippines and abroad. Making commodities work for everyone | The Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) is an autonomous intergovernmental financial institution, established in 1989 within the framework of the United Nations. When taking the Living Income benchmark of USD 5,125.68/year for a family of 4 in Nicaragua as calculated by the Living wage coalition participating in the LIFT program is an opportunity for improving livelihoods and lifting households above the Living income benchmark reference. The projects are expected to report the percentage of female beneficiaries on their projects, the total jobs created for women, share of women in senior positions and of women ownership, among other gender-related metrics. Improving cotton production efficiency in small-scale farming systems. This means LIFT is now eligible for GCP Roasters and Retailers Reporting on Sustainable Coffee Purchases! Our work is driven by the principle that commodity production, processing and trade should benefit both developed and developing countries alike. But for centuries the rewards that come from producing and trading commodities have not been shared equally. In particular, several projects supported by the fund contribute to women empowerment, providing them training, employment opportunities, access to new markets and others. In turn this will reduce the poverty many of them experience. The potential impacts are life changing for many. At the time of writing this Annual Report, not all projects have been able to provide the updated impact report for the final year 2021. Copyright | Privacy notice | Disclaimer, Photo: Farmers harvesting rice. They trusted us when we didnt have collateral to afford the financing for a factory. Unpredictable climate events, like tropical storms, are becoming more frequent in Mindanao where most of the farmers live followed by long periods of dry weather. Take the case of commodities which require long-term investment, such as coffee. All material subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. Having considered the different options available, the CFC decided to adopt the Impact Reporting and Investment Standards (IRIS+) as its main reporting tool. What Kennemer is creating is a hybrid model where profitability, social responsibility and environmental sustainability perfectly blend into developing products and programs that encompass the complete agricultural value chain from planting materials, training, agri-technology to the market of carbon credit. The current focus of the CFC is on developing a practical approach for monitoring and evaluation across the entire CFC project portfolio; Projects receiving CFC support frequently include larger financial institutions as co-financiers. In total, it is expected that 80,658 hectares of additional land will be cultivated due to the interventions financed by the CFC. Here are some ways were putting that purpose into practice. From the bread on your table and the cotton in your shirt to the copper and lithium in your smartphone and the oil and gas that heats your home, commodities are part of the fabric of our daily lives[1]. Linux is typically packaged as a Linux distribution.. We are small, effective, and impactful. Nonetheless, it is clear that the effects of the COVID- 19 pandemic were still felt across the entire CFC portfolio. Mercon. The best way to do this is to learn by doing. Kennemers reliability as a company is what attracted the CFC in the first place, but its their vision what continues to appeal to us. At the CFC we work to bring together innovation and local knowledge to develop solutions that make a difference on the ground. The preservation of community spiritual and cultural sites is another example. Her education relied on the success of her parents smallholding, not just for the bus fare but for her school uniform and fees. A farmer can still bring a bag of maize on a motorbike, or five bags of sorghum on a donkey, to the factory and we will weigh it and pay. Its this accessibility that makes it a lifeline for many smallholders, boosting the prospects of them and their children. The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine is a watershed moment for the 21st century and carries dramatic consequences far beyond . This call to action has been taken up by the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC), which adopted the SDGs as its impact framework. Thanks to LIFT, Mercon is the first green coffee supplier with a sustainability-linked revolving credit facility, meaning that the loan links the impact performance of LIFT with the interest rate of the facility. 2021 saw the highest amount of funding disbursed since the organisation was reformed in 2012. A June 2010 article in The Economist defended commodity investors and oil index-tracking funds, citing a report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development that found that commodities without futures markets and ignored by index-tracking funds also saw price rises during . Once they master their skills, agronomists move onto training producers through a result-oriented, personalized and practical approach. We are working hard to facilitate the transition to renewable energy in developing countries by increasing our investments in businesses that are tackling climate change in line with the UNs Climate Action SDG. In addition, farmers and agronomists regularly communicate on the phone, which allows for timely and personalized assistance, fostering their trust relationship. Annual Report 2021. In the short term, productivity depends on the economic situation of producers, who are aware of the benefits of adopting certain practices but struggle to boost the nutrition of their coffee plantation. Call for Proposals which will be announced soon. The Agreement Establishing the Common Fund for Commodities was negotiated in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) from 1976 to 1980 and became effective in . In turn breweries reduced production and the demand for sorghum plummeted, leaving Shalem with hundreds of tons of the grain and no one to sell it to. In other words, we have enough raw commodities but we must do a much better job producing, processing, marketing and consuming them, to prevent hunger and build fairer societies. We seek to build partnerships with public and private institutions, bilateral and multi-lateral development organisations, cooperatives, producer organisations, SMEs, processing and trading companies, and local financial institutions. All 12 countries in South America had a level of commodity dependence greater than 60% in 20182019. These beneficiaries are in most cases smallholder farmers, living below the poverty line of USD 1.90 a day, as defined by the World Bank. The additional income received by the beneficiaries can have a great impact in achieving food security, contributing to the SDG 2. Coffee Development Report 2019. The GDP per capita (PPP) was $43,188 in 2018, [29] compared to $62,869 in the United States, $44,246 Japan and $18,116 in China. Without them it would have taken another ten to fifteen years to get to where we are today, she says. Over time, this personalized approach has proved to be successful. Common Fund for Commodities is a Advisor located in Amsterdam Netherlands, Europe, and was founded in 1989. Combined with other crises, such as rising inflation and the war in Ukraine, it is estimated that in 2022 an additional 75 million to 95 million people will be living in extreme poverty in 2022, compared to prepandemic projections. Recognizing this, SDG 17 explicitly calls for an enhanced Global Partnership for Sustainable Development which involves bringing together governments, civil society, and the private sector to mobilize all available resources. It is managed by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) and is the most used tool for impact investors to report on their impact. To redress this power imbalance, the bargaining capabilities of smallholders need to be enhanced. The additional net income for these beneficiaries goes up to USD 263 per year. We, therefore, appreciate the innovativeness of Kennemer, which is showing how farmers can play a role in fighting climate change while benefiting from the environmental impact they are creating. +31 20 5754949. But this frequently reduces selling prices and puts pressure on the natural resources, which compromises sustainability and development in the medium to long term. While three of the practices no child labour, no discrimination, fair and equitable labour conditions are mandatory, other practices are evaluated with different weights. In this regard, in October 2018, CFCs Executive Board has approved the new impact strategy of the CFC. Today it no longer needs our fund, having grown into a strong business local banks want to invest in. Alongside these steps, we have also begun the process of launching our Commodity Impact Investment Facility (CIIF), a new fund that will scale up our good work globally, In 1983 Indian economist and philosopher Amartya Sen noted that starvation statements are about the relationship of persons to the commodity of food, rather than about the food supply, I look forward to continuing our journey with, From the bread on your table and the cotton in your shirt to the copper and lithium in your smartphone and the oil and gas that heats your home, commodities are part of the fabric of our daily lives. Working Group on Sustainable Fund Management, World Economic Forum. Current Assets for Common Fund for Commodities is $215,062,500 and SWFI has 2 periods of historical assets available for CSV Export. Of course there are challenges. We invest in businesses that support smallholders to add value and boost productivity while promoting climate resilience and gender equality. We will be in touch soon. Instead, they must also invest in their employ- ees, protect the environment, and deal fairly and ethically with their suppliers. The CFC was established in 1989. 21st Open Call for Proposals in support of commodity development activities is now closed. Here are some examples of specific areas we target: Production, productivity and quality improvements, Technology transfers, upgrades and innovation, Measures to minimise physical marketing and trading risks, Risk management, such as price and weather volatility. Sheikh Mohammed Belal. For example, land rights, access to technology, access to finance and income distribution in commodity value chains are most often not gender neutral. I look forward to continuing our journey with you. No affiliation or endorsement, express or implied, is provided by their use. Institutional Investor Events - Network, Learn, and Grow, Rietlandpark 301, 1019 DW, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Segment percentages and amounts available on A more just distribution of this wealth would empower progress that releases millions trapped in poverty. To contribute to poverty alleviation by strengthening the income-generating capacity of commodity producers and mitigating vulnerability to their economic well being. Measuring CFC impact across its portfolio. The last pillar - happiness - is implemented through the development of social programs, such as health programs, or by offering scholarships in partnership with local universities. Impact finance for global value chain to support SMEs in the commodity sector. The funds were used to build a storage facility for farmers produce, so that it can be stored after a good harvest until demand and prices rise. Without them it would have taken another ten to fifteen years to get to where we are today., Still, she remains positive and has big plans: After we have paid off our bank loan, we want to expand our storage capacity and double our production facility, so we can add even more value to our products. While acknowledging this, CFCs impact management strategy mainly focuses on identifying its direct positive impact on selected core SDGs where the impact is most apparent, and which can be assessed and measured across the whole portfolio of projects supported by the Fund. For this reason, the CFC has partnered with the Social Finance Programme of the International Labour Organization to develop its Social and Environmental Management System (SEMS). According to UNCTAD, a country is commodity-export dependent when more than 60% of its total merchandise exports are commodities. Strong relationships and constant communication between LIFT farmers and agronomists have been instrumental in achieving such long-term, positive results. CALGARY, Alberta, April 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canacol Energy Ltd. ("Canacol" or the "Corporation") (TSX: CNE; OTCQX: CNNEF; BVC: CNEC) is pleased to report on the conventional natural gas prospective resources (resources other than reserves, "ROTR") for its Esperanza, VIM21, VIM5, VIM19, VIM-33, VIM-44 and SSJN-7 exploration blocks located in the Lower Magdalena . Recently, LIFT by Mercon has been recognized by the Global Coffee Platform as 2nd party scheme equivalent to the Baseline Coffee Code v1.2. After 3 years of joining the program, LIFT farmers from Nicaragua are expected to receive an average increased annual coffee income (average simulation is USD 6,706.8 for LIFT farmers, compared to non-LIFT farmers who can earn as low as USD 1,474.2). The organisations State of Commodity Dependence 2021 report, released on 8 September 2021. noted that the number of commodity dependent countries has increased during the past decade from 93 in 20082009 to 101 in 20182019. Since the monitoring of the targets is done on a national and on a global level, it may be challenging to attribute the contribution of a particular organization in advancing specific goals. Common Fund for Commodities. At UNCTADs first session in 1964, the impact of commodity price volatility was at the top of the agenda, and a discussion on creating a common fund began. However, there is still a long way to go until there are agreed parameters as comprehensive and reliable as those used for risk and return on the traditional financial market. Another big worry for her is the anticipation of more effect of climate change. Annual Report 2018. According to agronomists Janira Centeno and Elvin, the Productivity pillar is the most challenging to achieve results for. 8 | Common Fund for CommoditiesAnnual Report 2019 Key Themes The CFC provides technical and financial support to all aspects of the value chain from production to consumption i.e. In countries dominated by this model it can lead to underperforming economies, which is known as the resource curse. Based on three pillars Profit, Planet, and People LIFT is an integrated system of service tools supporting farmers to grow high quality coffee, while ensuring that their livelihoods and the environment benefit from these activities. Linux (/ l i n k s / LEE-nuuks or / l n k s / LIN-uuks) is an open-source Unix-like operating system based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms of use agreement which includes our privacy policy. The CFC transformedour business from an aggregator to a manufacturer. Gender disparities, however, are evident in unequal access to productive resources. Photo: Adobe stock Alongside the undoubted challenges of 2021, we have a number of inspiring outcomes to celebrate. Engaging with LIFT, therefore, strikes as something more than a mere transfer of knowledge and skills. There was an error. After two years of baselining and preperation, Kennemer launched MinTrees, a reforestation programme designed with 2000 smallholders from rural Philippines. Accompanied by the producer or a designated person, the agronomist conducts a complete tour of the coffee plantation and determines the farmers previous knowledge of farming practices a crucial starting point that will shape the personalized farm management plan and the technical assistance to be delivered. Understandably producers are keen to earn more by producing more. According to UNCTAD, a country is commodity-export dependent when more than 60% of its total merchandise exports are commodities. Common Fund for Commodities | 2,666 followers on LinkedIn. This will take collective political will and the adoption of digital technologies, including blockchain and the Internet of Things, that directly connect producers and consumers. Director of the CFC, the Annual Report of the Common Fund international organizations. To strengthen and diversify the commodity sector in developing countries and transform it to be a major contributor to poverty alleviation and sustained economic growth and development. through fortification and theyve reached out to remote smallholders, particularly women, and boosted their incomes. The success of this approach is clear in the figures for 2021, the first year when the benefits of the factory really started to be felt. We are keen to replicate this innovation in other coffee value chains. The annual income per job created ranges from USD 900 to USD 12,542. Strong relationships and constant communication between LIFT farmers and agronomists have been instrumental in achieving such long-term, positive results. Common Fund for CommoditiesAnnual Report 2020 Chapter | 4 make its impact much greater by leveraging the resources of impact conscious investors, thereby leveraging, CFC's impact objectives on a new scale. So how does this journey start? Coffee brings more than a sensorial experience to its consumers it also carries a history of environmental and social impact in coffee growing communities. The best way to do this is to learn by doing. Common Fund for Commodities | Annual Report 2020 Annual Report Mission & Vision Statement Mission "To contribute to poverty alleviation by strengthening the income-generating capacity of. Farmers are the first to confront climate change. 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