Tretyakov MY, Koshelev MA, Dorovskikh VV, Makarov DS, Rosenkranz PW. However, the FCC website states on its Consumer Guide page entitled Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Fields: Guidelines for Cellular Antenna Sites that the majority of cellular or PCS cell sites in urban and suburban areas operate at an ERP of 100 watts per channel or less. Here is the revised paragraph on page 2 where we first introduce the new terminology, and softened the language a bit, adding the words, possible, may be and potentially, which renders the thesis of our manuscript more hypothetical: We explore the scientific evidence suggesting a possible relationship between COVID-19 and radiofrequency radiation related to wireless communications technology including 5G (fifth generation of wireless communication technology), henceforth referred to as WCR (wireless communications radiation). Today, more research is being conducted on diacetyls role in vaping-related illnesses. 53rd Generation Partnership Project, NR; Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception. Giamarellos-Bourboulis E, Netea MG, Rovina N, Akinosoglou K, Antoniadou A, Antonakos N, et al. Water absorbs broadly in the GHz spectral region and also displays GHz resonant frequencies. 1998. Review article: current state and implications of research on the biological effects of millimeter waves. - Authors discuss evidence deriving from exposure to cell phones to support possible effects of environmental exposure to 5G. this paper be accepted for publication, so that it can stimulate much more research that must be done in this area. Additionally, the authors need to sharpen their usage of the term COVID-19. A good time to call: BlueCross. Therefore 5G involves base stations and antennas much more closely spaced than previous generations, plus satellites in orbit that will emit 5G bands globally to create a wireless worldwide web. Walleczek J. Electromagnetic Field Effects on Cells of the Immune System:The Role of Calcium Signaling. 10. Saili et al. Such variations may reach 100% of the average signal intensity. I have also noticed the evident incorrectness in the title. In gathering reports and examining existing data for this paper, we looked for outcomes providing evidence to support a proposed connection between the bioeffects of WCR exposure and COVID-19. Page 7, right, lines 3-5. Yet, this is not reflected in the title or the abstract of the paper. Finally this is one more comprehensive review of non-thermal effects of millimeter waves, which show their dependence on variety of physical and biological variables, to be cited in this paper [1]. Prior Authorization Resources. (1992) found that certain frequencies (55 GHz; 73 GHz) caused pronounced arrhythmia. This infrastructure will significantly alter the worlds electromagnetic environment to unprecedented levels and may cause unknown consequences to the entire biosphere, including humans. We surmise that hot spots of the disease that initially spread around the world were perhaps seeded by air travel, which in some areas was associated with 5G implementation. We agree with you and have added the following text to the Discussion Section: Once an agent becomes established in a community, its virulence increases (Hoyt et al., 2020). Decades ago, Russians and Eastern Europeans compiled considerable data on nonthermal bioeffects, and subsequently set guidelines at lower RFR exposure limits than the US and Canada, i.e., below levels where nonthermal effects are observed. Ofcom is the government-approved regulatory and competition authority for the broadcasting and telecommunications industries of the UK. It should read NF-kB. If you are prepared to undertake the work required, I would be pleased to reconsider my decision. Fill out the form or call us at(877) 813-0709. Previously the reviewer requested a technical description of 5G (that) should include the frequencies of the ELF pulsations which play by far the most important role in the bioeffects. As per your request, we revised the text titles as follows: Effects on the Blood to Blood Changes, The Immune Response to Immune System Disruption and Activation, Intracellular Calcium Levels to Increased Intracellular Calcium, Heart Disease and Arrhythmias to Cardiac Effects, 10. 30-61. https://gabrielecripezzicom/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/d75d92b7fb8f4d13ae5461e26afa62e87e60.pdf. However, we changed the subheadings on the bioeffects in the text to reiterate the table subheadings. As far as millimeter waves is a part of microwaves, which are in turn a part of radiofrequency band, the title should be changed to Evidence for a Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Communications Including Millimeter Waves, We have had several requests to change our paper title for various reasons from reviewers. In addition, packed red blood cell transfusion may promote recovery of COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory failure [65]. 2. The term gone live has been clarified as follows, thank you. Online ahead of print. You can provide your phone number simply by clicking the button below and following the prompted steps. Hope, you got the information you are looking for regarding Umr Provider Login. [6], Some studies of diet and vitamin supplementation appear to point out that dietary N-nitroso compounds may affect the risk of both childhood and adult brain tumors. Arsenic was found in over 10% of vape dispensers sampled in a February 2018 study by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the University of Graz. In fact, little is known about population exposure from real-world WCR, which includes exposure to WCR infrastructure and the plethora of WCR emitting devices. We included a statement about the lack of controlled studies on health effects from real-world wireless communication exposures in our Discussion Section, and we also strongly recommended that such studies need to be done. To achieve such a vast capacity, 5G employs several highly sophisticated schemes, such as massive multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO), beam forming and beam steering. Because there are very few long-term studies on humans, aside from occupational studies, which we did include in our literature review, it was essential that we expand our literature search to include controlled, mostly long-term animal and cell studies. Together, these mutations lead to cells dividing uncontrollably, a hallmark of cancer. It is unlikely that this oscillator did not include on/off pulsations, even only for energy saving reasons. Therefore 5G requires base stations and antennas to be much more closely spaced than previous generations. Alkis ME, Akdag MZ, Dasdag S. Effects of low?intensity Microwave Radiation on Oxidant?antioxidant Parameters and DNA Damage in the Liver of rats. Pall did not propose something that was proposed long ago by others. Little is known about population exposure from real world radiofrequency radiation sources. To submit a revision, go to and log in as an Author. Since there are some connections, this could be also explaine by the fact that Northern Italy is the region with the highest percentage of elderly people that often have other comorbidities like diabetes and hypertension that significntly increase the probability of serious condition, next the precautions in the Italy have not been sufficient what is more likely the cause of such strong hit by COVID than 5G. 12. The information provided by is not a substitute for legal or professional medical advice. These dependencies are of critical issue as they account for why some studies on millimeter waves biological effects were not replicated. 60(3):275-81]. New submitters should send in their Billing NPI and Rending/Servicing NPI. I would make two suggestions that might help: There could be one or more studies to determine whether some COVID-19 patients admitted to the hospital could be shielded in either Faraday cage or a shielded canopy could be put over the bed. I am trained in working with a large number of psychological issues, including substance abuse and personality disorders, across all demographics and ages. Consider the fact that water absorbs 2.45 GHz, which is widely used in wireless communication routers and also in microwave ovens. Air pollution, especially particulate matter PM2.5 (2.5 micro-particulates), likely increased symptoms in patients with COVID-19 lung disease [129]. The author clearly states when a suggested edit was beyond the scope of the paper in a few instances, but she included enough references for people to check out themselves, regarding additional data or studies, or made it clear that such studies have not been done, as far as she knows, but should be done by researchers in the future. hmh tennessee science grade 8 answer key pdf. Jauchem JR. Search: Eve Ratting Ships. Next, we summarize the bioeffects of WCR exposure from the peer reviewed scientific literature published over decades. We believe it is fully appropriate to cite research on morphological changes in red blood cells that relate to blood clotting, since SARS-CoV-2 and its spike protein have been shown to be thrombogenic (cause blood clotting in the body) and can directly bind to ACE2 receptors on platelets (Zhang et al., 2020). Search: Eve Online Serpentis Ratting Ship. 17(24):9318. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17249318. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Retrieved August 9, 2019, from, Donaldson, K., Stone, V., Renwick, & MacNee. Now they provided recordings from wi-fi and DECT which (of course) show nothing but pulsations. Based, on this paper alone, it indicates the need for further studies, before this is widely deployed. johns hopkins my chart. Moreover, some of the WCR exposure bioeffects that we discuss here oxidative stress, inflammation, and immune system disruption are common to many chronic diseases, including autoimmune disease and diabetes. Therefore the experiments in the Russian studies that the authors repeatedly refer to, obviously, for unknown reasons, they have not reported the ELF components which existed, otherwise they tested signals which have no applications. Int J Environ Res Public Health. All appeal requests should be submitted in writing. In 2009, Johansson conducted a literature review, which included the 2007 Bioinitiative Report. - As authors confirmed, both the very young and the very old populations are the most vulnerable to adverse effects from RFR exposure. For example, change 0.0005 0.001 mW/cm2 to 0.5-1 W/cm2. Since this information is lacking we cannot conclude that the reported non-thermal effects were due to the microwave frequencies. oxidative stress, reproductive damage), since the number of the reviews considering RFR is relatively high, but actual experimental studies that strongly supports the conclusion of reviews are sometimes hard to find or other times not so conclusive. However, this consideration has some limitations, which make the conclusions of the author rather immature. In conclusion, I insist that the authors revise their paper addressing every point I reported in my previous comments, plus the above points. In addition, let us clarify that we stated the RFR signal modulations for the data discussed in our manuscript. Without anticoagulation, intravascular blood clots can be devastating [12]. Assessing the potentially detrimental health effects of WCR may be crucial to develop an effective, rational public health policy that may help expedite eradication of the COVID-19 pandemic. Other volatile compounds found in vape products include: Particles of various heavy metals have been found in the vapors of many e-cigarettes and vape products. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. View: 2021 Claim Adjudication Updates. For new referrals call 410-955-5335 during business hours and ask for the Intake Coordinator. The types of chemicals vary greatly, but they all have one trait in common: They can put human health at risk. Sierra Health and Life, P.O. FCC Publication Number 412172, publication date: 08/07/2015. ], We changed this sentence accordingly and added the citation and reference that you provided: The mechanism of irregular gating of voltage-gated ion channels in cell membranes by polarized and coherent, oscillating electric or magnetic fields was first presented in 2000 and 2002 (Panagopoulos et al., 2000; 2002).. In short, both WCR exposure and COVID-19 may cause deleterious effects on red blood cells and reduced hemoglobin levels contributing to hypoxia in COVID-19. Larger controlled studies should be performed to further investigate this phenomenon. Please call 301-547-3729 starting Thursday, October 27th to schedule an appointment. It is important to note that Section 22.913 regulates only the radiofrequency emission characteristics of a transmitter and does not distinguish between 4G and 5G, which are only different signal transmission protocols. Home Vaping Health Risks Toxic Chemicals. Accessibility Focused pulsed beams of radiation will emit from new base stations and phased array antennas placed close to buildings whenever persons access the 5G network. This cellular stress may indicate a biochemical rather than a viral etiology [11]. Right column, 2nd line, explain gone live. [2], Symptoms of gliomas depend on which part of the central nervous system is affected. illnesses, before their dangers were finally recognized and removed from the market. Supportive evidence including study details and citations are provided in the paper under each subject heading, i.e., Blood Changes, Oxidative Stress, etc.. Algassim, AA, Elghazaly AA, Alnahdi AS, Mohammed-Rahim OM, Alanazi AG, Aldhuwayhi NA, et al. BlueShield. [60], For recurrent high-grade glioblastoma, recent studies have taken advantage of angiogenic blockers such as bevacizumab in combination with conventional chemotherapy, with encouraging results. More severe symptoms including shortness of breath, high fever, and severe fatigue may occur in a later stage. We inserted the following text in the manuscript in the section on the Overview on Bioeffects of RFR Exposure: By comparison to the exposure levels employed in these studies, we measured the ambient level of RFR from 100 MHz 8 GHz in downtown San Francisco, California in December, 2020, and found an average power density of 0.0002 mW/cm2. We postulate that WCR possibly contributed to the early spread and severity of COVID-19. Next, reviewer #1 wrote, The author considers the RF effects in general, regardless of dependences on frequencies, intensities and other key parameters, which were shown to be critical for the RF effects and have been most comprehensively reviewed in the IARC monograph (IARC 2013)., In the draft of our paper that you reviewed, we stated the following in our Methods Section regarding our selection of papers for review: This included the world literature in English and Russian reports translated to English, on RFR from 600 MHz 90 GHz, the spectrum of wireless communication radiation (2G 5G inclusive), with particular emphasis on non-thermal, low power densities (< 1 mW/cm2) and long term exposures., Reviewer #1 wrote, As far as 5G is in focus, technical description of 5G signals is needed and studies of effects of RF signals with the same or similar characteristics should be retrieved and reviewed.. There are a wide variety of novel treatments currently being tested in clinical trials, ranging from IDH inhibitors like Ivosidenib, to the recently approved Dendritic cell-based cancer vaccine approach. Albanese, et al.4, showed similar Brillouin precursor generation from periodically pulsed microwave radiation. Retrieved August 13, 2019, from, Duke University Medical Center. 52189. Pall (2013) made an observation that calcium channels play a major role in EMF bioeffects. doi: 10.1515/REVEH-2021-0090. We provided a citation and reference to the original FCC document as follows: Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1996. CHAMPVA pays for covered services and supplies when they are determined to be medically necessary and are received from an authorized provider.. "/>. You can provide your phone number simply by clicking the button below and following the prompted steps. For additional information, or to request that your IP address be unblocked, please send an email to PMC. Pharmacy (prescription medicines) #10. Thank you; we changed this sentence accordingly. In addition, we have been careful to report pulse modulation and other wave parameters as reported in the literature. (2018, February 21). In short, both COVID-19 and WCR exposure can affect the heart and cardiovascular system, directly and/or indirectly. 2004. - Point of strength and limitations of the review performed by authors should be clearly stated. Telehealth services available. Kostoff RN, Block JA, Solka JL, Briggs MB, Rushenberg RL, Stump JA, et al. (2018, June 20). Albanese R, Penn J, Medina R. Short-rise-time Microwave Pulse Propagation through Dispersive Biological Media. In this particular case, we maintain that it is appropriate to cite the work of morphological changes in red blood cells that relate to blood clotting, especially since SARS-CoV-2 and its spike protein have been shown to be thrombogenic and can directly bind to ACE2 receptors on platelets (Zhang et al., 2020). JOHNS HOPKINS COMMUNITY PHYSICIANS is a medical group practice located in Rockville, MD that specializes in Family Medicine. [47], High-grade gliomas are highly vascular tumors and have a tendency to infiltrate diffusely. Table 1 lists the manifestations common to COVID-19 including disease progression and the corresponding adverse bioeffects from WCR exposure. Other problem with experimental evidence of harmful effects is the reproducibility of the observed effects and replicability of the studies, that are often performed with questionable devices, under not precisely characterized exposure conditions. COVID-19 for the Cardiologist:Basic Virology, Epidemiology, Cardiac Manifestations, and Potential Therapeutic Strategies. DHK Danny Herman Trucking DHL Deaconess Associations DHM Dunham's Athleisure Corp DHN Decision Resources, Inc. DHO Donohoe Hospitality - BC HMO DHP Dairy Mens Health DHQ DHR DHS EHP EHQ Charles County Public Schools EHR EHS Excel Building Services LLC EHT TRANSIT EMPLOYEES HEALTH & WELFARE FUND EHU EHV During the scandal it was revealed that more than half of its board members had links to the BBC, a corporation Ofcom is supposed to regulate. In: Clinical Application of Bioelectromagnetic Medicine, Marcel Decker, New York, 2004, pp. Phone (appointments): 301-241-7939 | For many, treatment consists of just surgery, or even "watchful waiting" (waiting to see when an intervention is justified due to tumour progression). The authors completely ignored the wi-fi pulsations before my comments. Role of modulation on the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity in L929 cells. The term, second messenger, was explained as requested: Intracellular Ca2+ is a ubiquitous second messenger relaying signals received by cell surface receptors to effector proteins involved in numerous biochemical processes.. Complex Immune Dysregulation in COVID-19 Patients with Severe Respiratory Failure. The oscillogram that we showed in Figure 2 of the Second Rebuttal depicted the actual measurement of a DECT 6.0 base station showing 50 Hz pulses. United States Air Force Research Laboratory, Report No. Low levels of glutathione, the master antioxidant, have been observed in a small group of COVID-19 patients, with the lowest level found in the most severe cases [72]. This time we used a Uniden DECT 6.0 base, model no. For UHSS: Mail: P.O. Retrieved August 9, 2019, from, Harvard T.H. Panagopoulos DJ, Cammaerts MC, Favre D, Balmori A. The effects of RFR on prenatal development in mice placed near a mobile phone antenna park exposed to power densities from 0.000168-0.001053 mW/cm2 showed a progressive decrease in the number of newborns and ended in irreversible infertility (Magras and Xenos 1997). However, Switzerland has one of the most stringent legal limits with regard to public exposure to RF radiation as these limits are based on the precautionary principle. However, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC, a US government entity) and ICNIRP (International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) guidelines operate on thermal limits based on outdated data from decades ago, allowing the public to be exposed to considerably higher RFR power densities. Therefore, we must apply the Precautionary Principle [138] regarding wireless 5G. The updated citation and reference is included. 6Electronic Code of Federal Regulation, Effective Radiated Power Levels. We added the following paragraph to the Discussion Section: Another shortcoming of this study is that we do not have access to experimental data on 5G exposures. So I suggest the authors change the title such as Similarities in the effects of RFRs and SARS-CoV-2: Could there be a synergistic effect?. To access the file(s), please click the link below. Gliomas comprise about 30 percent of all brain tumors and central nervous system tumours, and 80 percent of all malignant brain tumours. Above 1 mW/cm2 there can be thermal effects for frequencies 1-2 GHz. The reproducibility of bioeffects of RFR exposure has sometimes been difficult due to failure to report and/or control all of these parameters.. Increased oxidative damage to DNA could be mutagenic. We explore the scientific evidence suggesting a possible relationship between COVID-19 and radiofrequency radiation related to wireless communications technology including fifth generation (5G) of wireless communications technology, henceforth referred to as WCR. Easily manage and pay your premium invoices by electing to automatically debit the invoice amount each month from a designated bank account. Mobile Communications and Changes in Electromagnetic Conditions for the Population. ), the more complex the communication signals become. In addition, because we are on the verge of worldwide 5G deployment, it is critical to consider the possible damaging health effects of WCR before the public is potentially harmed.
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