of drying. The Camber diagram is for construction management and management of the alignment of the completed bridge. conventional strength concrete. The specification will be satisfied if the compressive strength of each sample, as determined from the average value of the test cylinders, is not less than the specified minimum 28day compressive strength and provided that the compressive strength of any cylinder in each sample is not less than 90% of the specified minimum 28day compressive strength. In a continuous balanced cantilever bridge, after the construction of the cantilever, the closure segment is connected to the cast-in-place or precast segment, and then tension is introduced to integrate all girder segments together. Bridge Design Specifications, Second Edition, 1998, and the Jeffrey Luin. Precast Segmental Beam Bridges. investigated. should be added to the list of materials. Some aggregates are sensitive to their internal level of moisture. of an uncracked section at a stress of 0.5 fsy. Where cores are cut from concrete decks and slabs, core locations shall be remote from wheel paths. Time Effects in Concrete Structures, Elsevier, 1988. when the concrete shell is lost may not be appropriate for HSC. The reaction product is a gel which swells as it takes in pore water. total prestressing force. ( Articulated balanced cantilever bridge: gerber type. The maximum deck casting length shall be 25metres. development lengths of bonded prestressing strand. IS:1343 - 1980 gives guidelines to estimate the shrinkage strain in Section 2.0 The maximum amount of prestressed and nonprestressed reinforcement No credit card required. over-reinforced. more sudden failure than occurs with conventional strength (xi) If bonded anchors are used to comply with the requirements of Section680. Triple Blend: Blended cement Type GB consisting of a minimum quantity of portland cement in combination with any two Supplementary Cementitious Materials (i.e.any two of Fly Ash, Slag or Amorphous Silica). Concrete Grade: A grade of concrete with a specified minimum cementitious material content, a maximum W/C ratio and a minimum compressive strength at 3, 7 and 28days. Where formwork is removed prior to the completion of the curing period, curing shall recommence within half an hour and continue until the total curing time is not less than the periods of curing specified in Table610.231. In the presence of atmospheric moisture, calcium hydroxide within the cover concrete will be converted to calcium carbonate. B1 B2 Pages: 754. 21.0 + 4.0 PPR inches. The supports shall be positively attached to the steel reinforcement, and of such size as to maintain the specified cover. The ratio of reinforcement area to gross concrete area shall not be Tensile stresses in concrete due to construction loads shall not The specification will be satisfied if the VPV value for each sample, as determined from the average value of the test cores, is not larger than the specified maximum VPV values at 28days as shown in Table610.061. WebEnter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. not be taken to be less than 6.0 inches, except for lap splices, as Any deterioration mechanism which reduces concrete strength can reduce axial load-carrying capacity. In addition to the maturity testing requirements of this sub-clause 610.16(m), the Contractor shall also comply with the curing requirements of Clause610.23 and the minimum curing period requirements as stated in Table610.231. occur with HPC. Should the strength of any one sample representing the concrete fall short of the specified minimum 28day compressive strength as shown in Table610.051, the concrete represented by that sample may be rejected. Hand mixing will not be permitted. T e sting of every batch of superplasticised concrete shall continue until five consecutive batches of concrete have achieved the specified requirements. 6 7 P u - Skkd ^k`gd1x gd)AP d8 gdX gdHo gd)AP gd)AP d` gdX gdji i x } ~ > @ O T W a g i j l : ; - 4 : ? Present address: Conzett Bronzini Partner AG, CH-7000 Chur, Switzerland. The cross sectional area of the pier on which the fixed support is installed may be smaller than that of the single fixed method. Cementitious grouts shall be as a minimum TypeC Class dual shrinkage compensating. No provisions affected by HPC were identified in the The shrinkage of concrete is influenced by ___________ a) Type of cement The mortar and grout applications shall be cured in accordance with the requirements of Clause610.23. factors as specified in Article, may be multiplied by section only lists articles affected by HPC. h2 ^J h8 h2 5^J h2 h h 5hk hk 5h hJ hJ hJ 5h hJ PJ hmH sH hJ PJ hmH sH h hJ 5PJ hmH sH hJ 5PJ hmH sH ' M T U V 6 7 9 : ? than that of the longitudinal reinforcement, and the spacing shall The sum of Portland cement and other cementitious materials shall restriction in specific articles is proposed. An example is the New World hotel in Singapore. article that the transfer length for pretensioned prestressing compression shall not be less than: The basic development length, ldb, may be multiplied by In balanced cantilever bridges, a number of joints occur due to the characteristics of girder segments being constructed in stages. Where placing concrete would otherwise necessitate a drop exceeding two metres, suitable tremie pipes, chutes or other concreting devices shall be used to place the concrete to prevent segregation., and by the factor for lightweight concrete specified in the following factors, where: The above factors need to be verified for HPC. as specified in table 1. tests are made to establish the relationships between concrete 2. The specified minimum concrete cover shall be maintained at tie wire positions. Compressive Development Length. [Equation 93], ( Traditional methods of prestressed concrete design do not use an 610.16 CONCRETE CONTROL, SAMPLING AND TESTING (a) General All concrete shall be sampled and tested in accordance with AS1012 unless otherwise specified in this section. Equations and impose a limit of 28 MPa a single number, 0.0002, for shrinkage strain. The concrete mix design shall be strictly adhered to by the Contractor. Are skyscrapers in timber a good use of this natural resource, or are there other aspects of civil and structural engineering, or large-scale infrastructure, that would be a better use of wood? Classes of tension lap splices. Using the notation in Figure 2, the nominal shear resistance of the Since this friction carries some of the shear load, shear provided by the concrete may be less. Thus, both the mechanical and the durability rules in the code may be invalid and the assumptions regarding service life may be over optimistic. It is defined in the The time between the first and second coat shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation, or on the basis of a trial application. assumptions: This article defines the assumption for calculating flexural NCHRP project 18-07 has the objective of developing design (c) Slipformed Concrete Kerbs and Barriers Cast insitu slipformed concrete kerbs and barriers and cast insitu off-structure concrete barriers shall comply with the tolerance requirements for precast concrete units as stated in Table610.464. Information on the specific materials for a given project By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Construction stage and construction duration for each stage, 2. 5.11 DEVELOPMENT AND SPLICES OF REINFORCEMENT, The tension development length, ld, shall not be less than the product of the basic tension development length, ldb, specified herein and the modification factor or factors specified in Articles and Bar chairs and spacers which do not comply with the requirements of this section shall not be used in the Works. Design loads for each construction stage. 19.0 + 4.0 PPR, Single-T, Double-T, Hollow Core, and Voided Slab. Depending on the type and function of the support, it can be classified as follows: The single fixed support method is a type of continuous girder bridge with only one fixed support installed and all other supports are considered movable supports. ACTION: A revision to use the actual value of n is Average exposure conditions and temperatures characterize the site. The limits given by WebDetermination of the Residual Prestress Force of In-Service Girders Using Non-Destructive Testing Commercial-Residential Buildings Vulnerability in the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model. [Equation 88], ( No nasties. The factored axial resistance of reinforced concrete compressive For coring from prestressed concrete the requirements of Clause610.16 shall be satisfied. 1.7 ld. The 3 day minimum compressive strength requirement shall not apply to concrete mixes containing supplementary cementitious materials which exceed the cement replacement values stated in Clause610.07(f). (ii) Concrete surfaces 0.5 m above the high water level A dual protective coating system consisting of a pore-lining penetrant (i.e.silane, solid silane or silane cream) and two coats of a film-forming decorative/anticarbonation top coat shall be applied to all exposed surfaces of concrete extending from 0.5m above the high water level including columns, pier and abutment crossheads, all exposed beam surfaces, sides and exposed soffits of deck slabs, parapet units, end posts, fender walls, keeper walls and wingwalls in accordance with the requirements of Section686. The lump-sum equations may need to be evaluated for use with HSC. Thermal movement can widen existing cracks, open poor construction joints and, in some cases, generate cracking. Webpresence of stress, which in turn results in a prestress loss in the tendon. Test certificates, material data sheets and health and safety data sheets shall be available for all materials. HSC. go to the ultimate strength state as soon as it cracks. Tension is taken to be positive and compression is negative, throughout. Download Free PDF View PDF. shear cracks. Reinforcement supports and spacers shall be in accordance with Clause610.29(f). Moisture meters or other equivalent devices may also be used provided they are calibrated as a minimum, on a monthly basis. Report is focused on the design of slab, beam (primary and secondary), column (square and circular), staircase (open newel and spiral), concrete dome roof and foundation (raft foundation and isolated footing). Finally, in the twin leaf type, two columns support the girder of the pier head. [Equation 89], ( However, ld shall When seismic design is not considered, the horizontal force is mainly due to temperature loads and vehicle's braking loads, and supports can be designed for this amount. WebThe causes of time dependent/long-term loss include creep and shrinkage in concrete, and tendon relaxation. a rectangular section. Notwithstanding the requirements of Clause610.07(f), higher amounts of fly ash and slag may be used in SCC mixes where further optimisation of the mix is required to comply with this section, including the required cohesiveness, workability, flowability and self-compactability of the concrete, without segregation. The appearance of the member also suffers, but surface scaling is not usually accompanied by internal damage. The curing compounds shall be pigmented sufficiently to allow visual inspection to ensure full application on the surface. WebAnchorage A device or provision enabling the prestressing tendon to impart and maintain the prestress in the concrete. Continuous time functions of all parameters needed to solve the equations are given, and sample results included. For prestressed concrete members over 600mm deep this may occur in two or three passes. No waiting. resistance Two coats shall be applied at the full rate. Furthermore, the number of segments can increase, which can affect the construction time. The amount of sulphate (asSO4) in water shall not be greater than 0.04% (400ppm). In addition, recycled water used in the concrete mix shall have total dissolved solids of not greater than 1700milligrams per litre. Thermal cracking generally does not penetrate the whole depth of a section although it can sometimes follow the line of the reinforcement depending upon how the steel has been detailed. These cracks can then provide a route into the concrete for the aggressive substances described in previous sections. These articles provide equations for the calculation of creep and WebThe concrete strains were measured before and after prestress transfer (to assess the prestress loss due to elastic shortening) and periodically throughout the conditioning process (to assess long-term prestress losses due to creep and shrinkage). Precast parapet units and associated castinplace concrete shall have a Class3 surface finish. Random and aligned cracks can occur with widths of up to 10mm. stresses in members with bonded or unbonded prestressing tendons Since the Gerber beam, which is hung in the center, only receives positive moment, box sections are not necessarily used. 610.06 MAXIMUM VPV VALUES AT 28 DAYS The maximum VPVvalues at 28days for each concrete grade for both test cylinders and concrete test cores cut from cast insitu and sprayed concrete shall be as shown in Table610.061. In the UK these cracks take between eight and twenty years to occur. (e) Evaporation Limits for Concreting Operations The Contractor shall be responsible for measuring and recording the air temperature, relative humidity, concrete temperature and wind velocity (measured one metre above the as placed concrete) at the point of concrete placement from commencement of placing the concrete and continue until curing has commenced. The curing of concrete shall be continuous and uninterrupted in accordance with Clause610.23 to ensure the effectiveness of the minimum concrete cover. contract documents. A member which is designed to fail in flexure within its as designed state may thus fail in shear in its deteriorated state. Impact of deterioration on the safety of concrete structures what can designers do to minimise risk? be sure that they are applicable to HSC. Test cylinders shall be suitably covered to minimise moisture and temperature losses between the time of removal from the heating box and the time of forwarding to an accredited laboratory for testing. by specific comments in regular font. (ii) Specific Requirements Curing compounds shall not be used on concrete decks or slabs, unless an aliphatic-alcohol based evaporative retarding compound is also applied after initial screeding in accordance with Clause610.17(f). The quantity of concrete delivered in any mixer or agitator shall not exceed the rated capacity of the agitator drum. Depending on the curing conditions for the concrete, the creep and REFERENCES. For 1 cell structures, the web thickness can be made thick, making it easy to install tendons. The upper limit of 70 MPa (10.0 ksi) needs to be removed to the Freeze-thaw attack is unlikely in air-entrained concrete. Cores containing steel reinforcement shall not be tested. The more frequently used symbols and those that appear throughout the book are listed below. (h) Other Concrete Durability Enhancing Measures Other concrete durability enhancing measures such as controlled permeability formwork(CPF), stainless steel reinforcement, and corrosion inhibiting admixtures, cathodic prevention and glass reinforced concrete permanent formwork shall be as specified in the drawings and specification.
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