One day around 1995, Joe and his partner got a call to check a house where a young girl said her mother was unconscious. Barry identified that Rothstein was strangled by someone large, though assured Joe that it wasn't Grodd. Flash and Spartan managed to successfully catch one of the clones, but he could speak. He looked upon Iris and Eddie kissing. Amongst them, barry finds a cutting knife with no name. After a quick test, the group found out that t was Norvock who stole the shards and he and his cronies had left the boxing gym. Before he could run fast enough, Mardon knocked him away. Earth-1 Joe, Barry, and Caitlin have fun with Cisco for a last time. ', 'The Voice', 'NCIS', 'NCIS: New Orleans', & 'Chicago Fire' Adjusted Up; 'One Big Happy' Adjusted Down", "Tuesday Final Ratings: 'The Voice' Adjusted Up; 'iZombie' Adjusted Down + No Adjustment for 'The Flash' or 'Person of Interest', "Tuesday Final Ratings: 'The Flash', 'NCIS', & 'American Idol' Adjusted Up; 'iZombie' Adjusted Down", "Tuesday Final Ratings: 'The Flash', 'The Voice' & 'Hell's Kitchen' Adjusted Up; 'iZombie' Adjusted Down", "Candice Patton Cast in CW Pilot 'The Flash', "Carlos Valdes Cast in CW's 'The Flash', Elena Kampouris in NBC's 'Odyssey', "Clancy Brown has joined The CW's "Arrow" spinoff as a powerful comic-book character", "Charlie Weber Cast In 'How To Get Away'; The Flash Gets Mother", "Malese Jow Added to the Flash As Potential Love Interest", "The Flash: Prison Break Star To Play Captain Cold", "Exclusive: The Flash's Pilot Features an Arrow Crossover! He caught up with Felicity and he learned Felicity listened to his entire conversation with Oliver on the rooftop. Joe then told Barry to tell Eddie an explanation to how Tony was not killed after several shots to the head without telling him he was a meta-human. Joe is only stopped when Ralph Dibny talked him out it. Labs is attacked but is given an offer to reveal Savitar's name if he lets him go. [14], For the following five weeks, Felicity visited Barry in the hospital while he was in a coma, and left only to help Oliver. Labs, Wells suggested that they should send Grodd through a breach which would bring him the closest to home he could be. When Cecile awakened, she was happy that Joe was the first person she saw. That night, Barry and Iris declare their love for each other and kissed. Before he left, he told Wally that he would be Central City's Flash from now on. But Earth-90 Flash walks up to him, and steals Barry's speedster powers. [20], When Iris was trapped in the Mirrorverse, she hallucinated the version of herself from the night she was previously destined to be killed by Savitar. As Barry got Iris to safety, Barry ran back to the tower and subdued the two men. The Flash On March 18, 2000[1], 4 days after his 11th birthday, Barry ran home from school after getting into a fight with some bullies. Wally joined the Peace Corps camp. As he rose to his feet, Savitar reaffirmed his intention to escape, kill Iris and destroy his original self, mockingly bringing up Barry's deceased parents. Julian told Savitar to stay away but Savitar confronted him anyway, telling his host that only together could his return be achieved. At S.T.A.R. He then went back to the church where he danced to Elvis' music with Zari, before ghosts suddenly started appearing. Species Barry asked what he was doing outside of the prison where Tony reminded him he never steps away from a fight. Oliver appears to the Paragons again, and tells them, that they can recreate the universe here. Stephen Amell appears as Oliver Queen / Arrow in the pilot episode. He ultimately continues his ascension towards godhood by having Cisco Ramon/Vibe modify the Speed Force bazooka in order to split himself through time and exist through every moment of history but his plan fails and after a brief battle he was killed by Iris before being erased from existence. Later, Barry went on with his date with Patty, wearing sunglasses with built in cameras for Cisco to guide him. Barry was restored to normal when Allegra Garcia used her powers to cure everyone affected by Rosso's disease.[7]. Eventually Joe's visits became so excessive that his superiors were often annoyed by his lack of commitment to the force, and one day Barry began having uncontrollable seizures despite the fact that he had flat-lined in front of a horrified Joe and Iris. Hartley was then stopped after the team hacked into the frequencies after the cars at the dam to send out waves powerful enough to stop Hartley. Though not wanting to go, due to the situation at hand, Barry accepts, much to Joe's surprise and delight. Cisco made an attempt to ask Kendra Saunders out but was shut down. Due to their "ailment", the team decided to help with this, but to no avail. At Jitters, Eddie apologized to Barry for hitting him and learned that Caitlin told Iris and Eddie about his "lightning psychosis". Leonard and Lisa sabotage the transport and allow the metahumans to escape, killing, Barry visits Thawne in the particle accelerator prison, where Thawne reveals he killed Nora because of hating the Flash, whose future self saved him. Ronnie contacts Cecile and begs her to set him free. He runs back to the lab before he can be hurt further.
Barry was pinned down by Grodd with a single foot and was asked where Caitlin was. In the Negative Speed Force, they explain to Barry that this is their revenge for when he weakened them by removing Thawne's speed. Species WebRead the latest commentary on Sports. Kid Flash Barry's allies sided with "Iris", who called him an imposter for not fighting for their marriage, placed him in Power-dampening cuffs, and imprisoned him in the pipeline. Because he was about to tell him something that will be better if fewer people knew about, Barry asked Rip to keep the message a secret, even from the Legends. Joe and Kristen went to investigate Adam Creyke and after surviving a fire that burned the car they came in they arrested him. After mentioning celebrating with Joe and Cecile, Barry is stunned to learn that Joe was dead, and had been for six months. Barry later told Iris to trust Eddie and that Eddie only wants to keep her in the light. Wells reveals himself to Eiling, and allows Grodd, who is displaying psychic abilities, to drag Eiling deeper into the sewer. Before most infants are named, they are assigned a sex based on the appearance of their external genitalia by a third party. In the midst of the confusion Wally is telepathically persuaded into touching Alchemy's Stone, which encases him in a cocoon of some kind. At the precinct, Joe reviewed the footage of Barry revealing what he saw the night his mother was killed. At S.T.A.R Labs basement, Nora's ran on the track while Barry and Iris talked about the situation. Barry and Iris banned Bart from fighting the clones because the clones could kill him. Dr. Wells and the team assured him that they would find a way. Marlize explained that they need to find a way to transfer Barry's consciousness into DeVoe's and says that they'll have to use Cecile's powers for it to work. Suddenly an explosion was reported at a building Barry raced over to see a window washer about to fall, thinking of no other way to save him Barry asked Cisco and Caitlin how fast he would need to go to run up a building. The whole action of the siblings led Joe to learn about everything, so young West decided to unload his emotions during training again. He then picked Linda up and the two go for a date. He and Team Flash find Meena in Keystone City, and he is able to disconnect Meena from the NSF. Barry Allen Labs while considering Team Flash's offer to help him. Oliver fought off all of the melee fighters as Barry fought off all of the super powered fighters. Barry was then called back to S.T.A.R. When Slick grabbed "Jay" by the throat, Barry ran in circles around Slick and successfully hurled lightning toward Slick, turning him into glass and shattering. [66], Several cast members from the 1990 television series appear in the series. They figure out that someone needs to go into the speed force prison to balance it and so Barry voluntarily goes to as he felt he needs to atone for creating Flashpoint. Multiples copies of DeVoe converged on Barry and Ralph and they all began fighting their way to freedom. Oliver can give him a power, boost, but the Paragons also agree to make a backup plan. Williams said he was "down" to appear since he enjoyed being a part of the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" crossover and felt he and Gustin got along well during their scenes together. Barry and Cisco manage to capture here. Harry then explained that Jesse was breaking up with Wally, which took him through a loop, in which Wally decided to venture to Earth-2 and talk to Jesse. At the CCPD precinct, Barry asked Patty on a date, which she agreed on. [30] Barry was hired for the Central City Police Department by Captain David Singh. The Rival then fought Flash again, but the Rival was defeated by the combined power of Flash and Cisco Ramon/Vibe. This replication of his mother's murder with his father profoundly affected Barry, and awakened a need for cold-blooded vengeance in him that he has never felt before, having had the pain of losing both parents in the same way, each to a deranged speedster, compound one another, tearing him apart emotionally. Rushing to the crime Barry saved a kid who was about to be run over by the culprit. 1, The Last Temptation of Barry Allen, Pt. The satellites began crashing into the city, but Barry, Ralph, and Cisco are able to save the citizens from major harm. In the evening the entire team met at the West's house for dinner, as Allen wanted to improve their relationship at all costs, which had not been going well with the recent changes. Six months after Barry's disappearance, an armored Samurai threatens Central City to bring him the Flash or he would destroy it the next day. [48], Wally was monitoring the time stream with Nate when they discovered that there had been a time ripple that had resulted in Mari McCabe being hurt in an accident. He and "Nora" met Alexa Rivera, who was a doctor and had Fuerza inside her. Wally disapproved of Barry's idea of trying to get Savitar to become a hero, and was proven right in his suspicion when Savitar set the Philosopher's Stone to explode, destroying S.T.A.R Labs. [41], The next evening, Joe and Barry have a sit-down conversation about recent events and how Barry sought to erase the Forces so that the Speed Force would not kill them. Joe called and told Barry that Iris put her name on her blog. They questioned him about various lawsuits against him, including one from Danton Black, though Stagg assured them that Danton was nothing more than a clinical researcher, definitely not a killer. However the entire team was confused and did not believe that the heroes had switched identities and decided to call a Team meeting without Barry or Oliver present. Labs where he found Barry. Thinking that he's still in Central City, he asked Dig what he's doing there, in which he replayed that he's "Kicking his butt". The detective was surprised by his son's visit as they had no appointment. Cisco asked if he could be trusted and Barry told him that Wells saved his life. Barry and Iris invited "Nora" to live with them in their apartment until they beat the three forces. Barry blackmailed Tina into giving them the tachyon prototype within the hour. Labs Amunet questioned Barry on why he was still wearing his uniform and revealed she already knew the Flash's real identity from when Barry was incarcerated at Iron Heights. Iris was then successfully taken home and immediately fell unconscious. The chase eventually ends with Wally apprehending the criminal and taking another step towards altering their future. Barry thanked Oliver and Firestorm for their help and looked over Eobard, finally taking down the man who murdered his mother. Barry suggested that she join their team but the others pointed out that Bette's powers were too destructive and could put them all in danger, despite Barry pointing out she was the first meta-human they encountered who was not a criminal or a person who deliberately used their powers to hurt others. Joe then lied to Iris that Francine had died, hoping to spare his daughter from the truth and leave her with a good memory of her mother. Barry lashes out at Jefferson, but is eventually convinced to stand down. "[101] Gustin had a brief cameo appearance in the Arrow season three premiere, "The Calm". Barry then attempted to apprehend DeVoe, only for the villain to teleport them high above the city, leaving Barry clinging to his chair. At his day job with the CCPD, Barry investigated a strange robbery and murder scene wherein the surveillance footage showed one man, but evidence indicated that there was at least six present. Nash then berated Barry for even considering the trade, citing that Barry lately was acting less than heroic. Labs. Grant GustinAndre Tricoteux(as Savitar)Tobin Bell(voice; as Savitar; uncredited)Tom Felton(possessing Julian Albert)Nicholas Gonzalez(as Dante Ramon)Vanessa Williams(as Francine West) Barry had a theory that the forces could have been normal humans. [10] The next day, Wally came back and Joe offered him a place in his house, which Wally quickly accepted. After three months of bliss with his new life, and periodically bringing food to Eobard in secret, Barry finally worked up the nerve to ask Iris on a date, which she agreed to. Unconvinced, Killer Frost spoke of his upbringing with Iris, citing it as possibly deterring him from ultimately killing Iris. However, Frankie was talked out of this by Flash and left Central City as a result.[9]. According to Neely, "It had to be different [from Arrow] but it also couldn't be so different that it couldn't fit in the Arrow universe, it had to be in a style that could hold hands with Arrow. Barry hates hors d'oeuvres, which trigger his gag reflex. After he beat Black, Joe brought pizza to Barry in order to apologize. The first and most well-known character to assume the "Reverse-Flash" mantle, Barry discovered that the clones wanted to kill August Heart, the original Godspeed of this era, so as not to die in the future. To see other versions of this character, click the Earth name below for that Earth's counterpart of Wally West. Barry then ran circles around Oliver and as Oliver used one of his arrows to get on the roof, Barry reached the roof first and knocked Oliver down. Barry told Jay Harry's idea, which Jay strongly discouraged on the basis that every speedster could lose his speed and the Speed Force is a part of the multiverse. Ralph's fight there got him, Barry, Cisco and Joe detained, until Harry paid their bail. Shortly after Snart re-emerged, Barry quickly realized Snart was setting a trap for the Flash. Team Flash successfully transported Borman to A.R.G.U.S. Eobard captured Eddie as Barry arrived. [32], Joe had a meeting with Barry in his office at the precinct; the gang war between Amunet Black's criminal organization and thugs in Goldface's black market was escalating. Actor After Barry went to the future to see the situation, he worked with Damien Darhk to restore the past timeline. He was shot at in the neck by Clay Parker but managed to stop the bullet, though the two escaped. He told him that by visiting Iris as the Flash he found out that Iris was only writing about him to help. However she ignored his request and instead tried to find out more about him. The first episode of The Flash was watched by 4.8 million viewers and had a 1.9 1849 demographic rating, making it The CW's most watched and highest rated series premiere since The Vampire Diaries in 2009. The two planned to flank. Barry rushed to the scene and was shocked when he learned Shawna can teleport. The three chased after Caitlin but were too late. He encourages Barry to keep running, and that after he has been running as long as him, he will understand, why he is doing this. Felicity proceeded to calm him down and suggested they all go back to their home to relax and catch up. However, it is shown that Wally does still know them indicating he was introduced at some point, though exactly when is also unknown. Webcome hang out with me! [24] When Barry was 16, he and Iris switched bedrooms so Iris could sneak out the window past curfew, which was 8:00 pm at the time. Wally later releases him, and Barry finds out that the team tried to take down Zoom on their own, with Joe taken. Joe came to him and asked Barry why he didn't tell him Iris saw him the other night. Cisco and Caitlin then believed the reason he had yet to regain his speed was because it was mental and he didn't believe enough. Cisco breaches to Barry's location to put the virus on an arrow. When Barry and Damien came back to 2021, Thawne followed them and asked Barry to save him. He then gave it to Joe and Cecile as a gift. After capturing his old enemy, Abra Kadabra with Cisco's help, Barry wanted a romantic evening with Iris, but when the evil techno-wizard broke free, Barry had to confront him only to realize that Kadabra plans a Crisis 2.0 to destroy everything the city. Labs of Earth-2 in full armor. [47], Zari had taken to showing Wally around the ship and explained Ray's chore wheel to him but Wally went and used his speed to quickly do everyone's chores in an instant. The two then go and grab an extrapolator to breach to Earth-38 and talk to Kara. While he loved his sister, Iris, he wasn't on good terms with Joe as he was an alcoholic who frequently missed shifts at C.C.P.D., and he and Iris rarely spoke to him. Barry went for an early morning coffee run at Jitters, though a trainee was working that morning. In the Arrowverse, Barry gets his powers from struck by, "The Streak" is a name from the Justice League. Barry went to meet Iris at her work, where the two embraced. Marlize was able to shut down the satellites to stop the Enlightenment and the power turned back on across Central City. They then noticed on the TV that Gridlock has committed another robbery and they realized that without their satellites which they had just destroyed, they were without eyes and ears to keep track on the criminal metas. Barry thanked Chester for saving them and laughed when Chester said not to have sex with Iris at the Starchives. Barry then took Caitlin back to her apartment and put her to bed. Kara pushed Caitlin in a wheelchair and told the administrator that she was delivering a new patient from the hospital, using Killer Frost's powers to bolster the lie. As the team starts to disperse, Barry told Iris to go ahead and publish her expose about the DeVoes. Soon after, they had an alert of a bank robbery, to which Barry responded to quickly. He also became the director of the CSI division of CCPD. Barry ran ahead and investigated the crime scene prior to returning as his CSI job and on his way, he noticed another Flash running beside him. Fortunately, Joe and his partner were able to get Iris to safety and help Francine just in time. Despite his rage, Wally deeply loved his mom, being afraid to see her pass away and working constantly to both pay her medical expenses and to keep his mind off the pain of his impending loss and grief. They all mourned Rip and his sacrifice before they went off to regroup at the Old West to hide the totems. After discovering that Jesse was breaking up with him and that the team was better off without him, he decided to leave Central City for a time in order to focus on himself. He then rushed back to the warehouse to stop Joe from exploding, only to see that Joe has escaped from the chair and wants to go into witness protection. She then asked if Barry had feelings for her as Eddie was under the influence that he liked her. Barry explained their situation to Ralph, who admitted that he had not seen a good DeVoe, only the evil version of DeVoe floating in his chair. Alchemy told Magenta that if the latter wanted Frankie gone, Magenta would have to show who was in control, and this led to Magenta almost destroying a hospital full of innocent people to get revenge on Frankie's foster father. When Stein and Hewitt made an attempt to merge, they were unsuccessful. Killer Frost called for help as she was being overpowered and both Oliver and Barry hurried to assist her. Barry is very intelligent, like Felicity, he is socially awkward; as he sometimes gets nervous and babbles. He planned on using the stolen satellites to reduce the intelligence of everyone on Earth. Following the ordeal, Barry was fostered by Joe and Iris. "[32] In September 2021, Wallace revealed that Joe West is "going to get an incredibly different perspective on life, and it will lead him to a very big choice. Wally told Iris about his powers and she decided to help him, using her connections as a reporter to give information to Wally to help him find and defeat criminals, calling themselves a brother-sister crime fighting unit. As he speeds away, Oliver expressed his awe at Barry's powers. [1], During the first year that Joe took him in, Barry attempted to impress the former by building a robot with wheels for his science fair project, which nearly set the school gym on fire and hurt his teacher, Mrs. After Joe was kidnapped and held hostage by Mark Mardon, the latter called Iris to meet him at the waterfront. Alter ego Barry is at the moment, when he and Oliver first met. Later, Barry told Joe that when the time came, he wouldn't fail like he believed he had in the past and he would save his mother.[47]. Savitar With everything set, Flash prepared to lose his powers, but Black Lightning's attempts were not 100% successful, leaving the Flash with some of his speed. With persuasion from Iris Barry also lets Team Flash (with the exception of Joe) in on the future vision. He suspected that Clifford DeVoe was a meta-human (after the Council of Wells informed him that the latter may be the mastermind behind the bus meta-humans) despite the fact that he did not have a criminal record, his suspicions of Clifford were further amplified when he and his wife, Marlize lied to Barry's superior officer, David Singh, claiming that he was harassing Clifford (when in truth, he was only conducting the necessary investigation) even when every member of Team Flash believed that he was innocent - Barry's suspicions were proven to be correct yet again, regarding Clifford.
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