Again Paul writes to the Corinthians, "We know that when this earthly tent is dissolved, this body that we then have a building of God, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. All the firstborn in the land of Egypt: This plague was directed against two significant Egyptian gods. Passover and the Lord's Supper The Passover meal in Exodus 12:1-14 continues to this day as a central festival for the Jewish tradition. It is astonishing what a difference it makes when one can afford and has made up one's mind to drop self. They were not to save any of the uneaten meat for the next day, possibly to avoid spoiling, and possibly to prevent people from keeping it as a sort of magic charm. EXODUS CHAPTER S 1 TO 18 "Whom do ye think that I, the Son of man, am?" This again is not an immaterial expression by the way, but bound up with the truth now first brought before us: "Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of thine inheritance, in the place, O Jehovah, which thou hast made for thee to dwell in, in the sanctuary, O Jehovah, which thy hands have established. I am not aware of anything of the sort. of: the Targum of Jonathan is. They therefore had to carry their dough and baking pans with them, baking as they went. Let us remember this. This cup is a new covenant; it's in My blood. I didn't say I did; I believe it. How this was arrested is a most instructive lesson, but it will be found later on in this book. We have no right to challenge God or the ways of God, or why's of God. (3.) John 19:29 points out when Jesus was offered sour wine to drink on the cross, the sponge soaked with it was put on a bunch of hyssop. i. ". (2.) It's gonna be so interesting to find out all of the capacity of that new body that God has built for me, that new model directly from God. 236, 237) seem to me the wantonness of incredulity, which, irritated by the divine authority of Scripture, yields to the merest calumny. How big is God?" One law shall be for the native-born and for the stranger who dwells among you.. This then is brought before us here with the utmost possible care; as the Spirit of God gives immense scope to the allusions elsewhere. PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPECIAL MEAL VE FOR I WILL PASS THROUGH. The lamb was to be got ready four days before and that afternoon they were to kill it (Exodus 12:6; Exodus 12:6) as a sacrifice; not strictly, for it was not offered upon the altar, but as a religious ceremony, acknowledging God's goodness to them, not only in preserving them from, but in delivering them by, the plagues inflicted on the Egyptians. Exodus 12:13. Even rationalism does not in every case venture to deny the supernatural character of the phenomena related in Exodus 7:1-25; Exodus 8:1-32; Exodus 9:1-35; Exodus 10:1-29; Exodus 11:1-10; Exodus 12:1-51. After this is proved, abundant refreshment is given. Nothing can be conceived more captious than to takeGenesis 15:16; Genesis 15:16 as limiting the Israelites who sojourned in Egypt to just the fourth succession in family birth, or to assume that they had no children beyond those named for special reasons. On the first day you shall remove leaven from your houses. I say not that they do, but that they may. In point of fact, as we know, there could be no such thing as a complete fulfilment apart from Christ. God was there as a Judge, dealing with man's sin. And how till redemption could sin be gone for God to have a holy resting-place in the midst of men? Then came the sixth judgment (Exodus 9:8-12), a boil breaking forth with brains on man and beast in all Egypt, and notably on the magicians who could not stand before Moses. 137.]. ii. Need I add that we have a better than Moses, who requires neither Aaron nor Hur to support His arm in interceding for us? Exodus 12:12. "Jesus said, "I am the bread of life", and thus the bread of the Passover, the middle wafer was representing Jesus Christ. The tenor of Dr. D.'s statement is the more remarkable, because the reference to Succoth occurs in a distinct clause that follows where is only Elohim, after which we have Jehovah once more as before. Whether it would come to a result or not depended on altogether different circumstances not on any failure in Him. "Therefore the name of it was called Marah. ix.) 315. Dreadful work was to be made this night in Egypt; all the first-born both of man and beast were to be slain, and judgment executed upon the gods of Egypt. Many Egyptians (and perhaps other foreigners) went with them because the God of Israel demonstrated that He was more powerful that the gods of the Egyptians. Allusions are made in it to a time considerably after the song is said to have been first sung; for example in the seventeenth verse . This certainly gives a very consistent sense, and points out the universality of the desolation to which the whole context continually refers. Thus all the children of Israel did; as the LORD commanded Moses and Aaron, so they did. Then they have just the regular year by which they count years, and that comes sometime here in the latter part of September as a general rule, the Jewish New Year.So they have sort of a secular calendar and a religious calendar. What a safeguard then to be childlike and subject to the Lord! The Holy Ghost can then lead on in the growing discernment of His image impressed on each incident which is made to be the means of setting forth His glory in the written word. "Of how much sorer punishment", we are told in Hebrews, "suppose ye, shall he to be thought worthy, who hath counted the blood of his covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing, and hath trodden under foot the Son of God"( Hebrews 10:29-30 ). At the end of the four hundred and thirty years; on that very same day: Apparently the Exodus from Egypt began on the same calendar day as the 430th anniversary of Israels time in Egypt. "The firstborn of Pharaoh was not only his successor to the throne, but by the act of the gods was a specially born son having divine property. ", Accordingly, as a message to Israel, surrounded by the vanities of the heathen those imaginary objects of adoration whose rle really was that of demons taking advantage of man's superstition and folly, it was a fine and an admirable name for those who might ask it: "I AM hath sent me.". The self-same principle applies to hundreds of passages in the Scriptures; and therefore it seemed well to make a few remarks in a more general shape. Also take your flocks and your herds, as you have said, and be gone; and bless me also. And the Egyptians urged the people, that they might send them out of the land in haste. The images m 1 The beginning of the yeere is changed. So here we find two of the three spoken of in this particular scripture. The manna of Numbers 11:1-35 renders this supposition extremely improbable. Moses hides the man's body "in the sand," indicating a quick and quiet burial to avoid being caught. I believe that if it weren't for God's protecting hand, Satan would've already wiped all of us out. And there cannot be a more affecting feature than that the very people to whom these living oracles were committed are those who see least in them, unless it be those apostates from Christianity, who borrow but exceed the unbelieving thoughts of the Jews, and then vaunt their destructive system as critical and rational. Hence it is to be observed that first God draws particular attention to His being the God of the fathers. Not a fact only but a type, still it was a type not of an earthly woe but of a judgment before the eyes of God judgment of sin. of But even Gesenius and Knobel take the word otherwise, and so do Onkelos and Aben Ezra, as Dr. McCaul has shown. All the congregation of Israel might and must eat it, but no stranger unless circumcised, no foreigner, no hired servant, but only he who was bought and circumcised; and when eaten, bitter herbs must accompany it repentance on our part, the fruit of the truth applied to us by grace. Passover was the greatest work of redemption performed on the Old Testament side of the cross. Is not this literally, Because the (or a) hand (is) on the throne of Jah, war (is) from Jehovah with Amalek from generation to generation? Now the sojourn of the children of Israel who lived in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years. When Peter was examined concerning the miracles done to the lame man and was standing before the counsel, "Men and brethren if I be examined this day because of the good deeds done unto this impudent man, be it known unto you that by the name of Jesus Christ that this man's standing before you whole. The gospel of John, for instance, discloses the end from the beginning; but that is because here we have Jesus known as the One who is before the beginning. 15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. It was a special sacrificial meal, not just another dinner. However "at twilight" literally means "between the two evenings." Why then distinguish those in calamities in which all equally shared? ", then you have the opportunity of sharing with them what God has done, the power of God that was demonstrated. Undoubtedly the place was significant, as well as the effect; for when he took it out again, his hand was leprous as snow the well-known type of sin, at least in its defiling character if not in the powerlessness to which it reduces man. Additionally, an intellectual agreement with what God said about the blood was not enough; they actually had to do what God said must be done with the blood. The paschal lamb was killed, not to be looked upon only, but to be fed upon; so we must by faith make Christ ours, as we do that which we eat, and we must receive spiritual strength and nourishment from him, as from our food, and have delight and satisfaction in him, as we have in eating and drinking when we are hungry or thirsty: see John 6:53-55. The sprinkled blood indicated to those outside that a substitutionary sacrifice had been made; the life of an animal had been taken instead of the life of the firstborn. Christ suffered in the end of the world (Hebrews 9:26), by the hand of the Jews, the whole multitude of them (Luke 23:18), and for the good of all his spiritual Israel. [Note: Gispen, p. The rod of power then taking Satanic form seems to be meant by the sign first committed to Moses. The free gift of the Spirit of God to us in our thirst and weariness depends simply on Christ suffering for us Christ coming under judicial dealing, the rod of God as applied to that rock. Then the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides children. 65) that "the Israelites did not listen to Moses at first for anguish of spirit and cruel bondage.
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